CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONEXPLANATION OF CHANGE SYMBOLS.CHAPTER 2 -AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATIONFigure 2-1. General Exterior Arrangement - Right SideFigure 2-2. General Exterior Arrangement - Left SideFigure 2-3. General Exterior Arrangement - FrontFigure 2-4. General Exterior Arrangement - TopFigure 2-5. General Exterior Arrangement - Bottom (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-5. General Exterior Arrangement - Bottom (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-6. General Interior ArrangementFigure 2-7. Principal DimensionsFigure 2-8. Ground Turning RadiusFigure 2-9. Exhaust and Propeller Danger AreasFigure 2-10. Instrument Panel with Master Warning Segment PanelFigure 2-11. Pilot/Co-Pilot/Center Subpanel (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-11. Pilot/Co-Pilot/Center Subpanel (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-12. Overhead Circuit Breaker PanelFigure 2-13. Overhead Control PanelFigure 2-14. General Cockpit ArrangementLANDING GEAR SYSTEM.Landing Gear Warning Horn Test SwitchENTRANCE AND EXIT PROVISIONS.Figure 2-15. Cabin and Cargo DoorCabin Door AnnunciatorFigure 2-16. Pilot and Copilot SeatsSECTION II. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENTSECTION III. ENGINES AND RELATED SYSTEMSFigure 2-17. PT6A-67 Engine Left SideFigure 2-18. PT6A-67 Engine Right SideFRICTION LOCK KNOBS.Figure 2-19. Control Pedestal and Pedestal ExtensionFigure 2-20. Engine Fire Detection SystemTable 2-1. - Engine Fire Extinguisher Gauge PressureFigure 2-21. Engine Fire Extinguisher SystemENGINE IGNITION SYSTEM.ENGINE INSTRUMENTS.Figure 2-22. Instrument Panel Left/Pilot SideFigure 2-23. Instrument Panel Right/Co-Pilot SideSECTION IV. FUEL SYSTEMFigure 2-24. Fuel System SchematicFigure 2-25. Fuel Management PanelFigure 2-26. Auxiliary Fuel Tank Mechanical Fuel GaugeFigure 2-27. Gravity Feed Fuel FlowFigure 2-28. Crossfeed Fuel FlowTable 2-3. - Fuel Sump Drain LocationsFUEL SYSTEM MANAGEMENT.RUDDER SYSTEM.Figure 2-29. Control WheelsFigure 2-30. Control LocksWing Flap Control SwitchSECTION VI. HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC SYSTEMSFlow Control UnitFEATHERING PROVISIONS.LOW PITCH STOP.PROPELLER REVERSING.SECTION IX. UTILITY SYSTEMSANTENNA DEICE/ANTI-ICE SYSTEM.PROPELLER ELECTRIC DEICE SYSTEM.STALL WARNING HEAT SYSTEM.FUEL SYSTEM ANTI-ICING.Figure 2-31. Oxygen System SchematicTable 2-4. - Oxygen Flow Planning Rates vs. Altitude (All Flows in LPM per Mask at NTPD)Table 2-5. - Oxygen Duration in Minutes (140 Cubic Foot System)Oxygen Duration Example Problem.Figure 2-32. Cylinder Capacity vs. Pressure and TemperatureCIGARETTE LIGHTERS AND ASH TRAYS.SECTION X. HEATING, VENTILATION, COOLING, AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEMSFigure 2-33. Environmental SystemManual temperature control switchAir conditioning cold operation bypass valveUNPRESSURIZED VENTILATION.Automatic Mode ControlSECTION XI. ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMFigure 2-34. DC Electrical System (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 2-34. DC Electrical System (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 2-35. Single Phase AC Electrical SystemFigure 2-36. Three Phase AC Electrical SystemFigure 2-37. Mission Equipment DC Power SystemFigure 2-38. Mission AC/DC Power CabinetGenerator Out Warning AnnunciatorsThree phase AC OFF annunciatorSECTION XIII. LIGHTINGFigure 2-39. Exterior LightingCockpit Lighting.EMERGENCY LIGHTING.Figure 2-40. Pitot and Static SystemFREE AIR TEMPERATURE (FAT) GAUGE.Figure 2-41. Warning Annunciator PanelFigure 2-42. Caution/Advisory PanelTable 2-7. - Caution/Advisory Annunciator Panel LegendTable 2-8. Mission Control Panel Annunciator LegendTable 2-8. - Mission Control Panel Annunciator Legend -- ContinuedFigure 2-43. ChronometerTable 2-9. - Approved Military Fuels, Oil, Fluids and Unit CapacitiesDRAINING MOISTURE FROM FUEL SYSTEM.Table 2-10. - Approved Fuels Table 2-11. - Standard, Alternate, and Emergency FuelsFigure 2-44. Servicing LocationsSERVICING THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM.Table 2-12. - Recommended Fluid Dilution ChartSERVICING OXYGEN SYSTEM.Figure 2-45. Oxygen System Servicing PressureGROUND HANDLING.Moving Aircraft on GroundFigure 2-46. Parking, Covers, Ground Handling and Towing EquipmentFigure 2-47. Towing, Turn LimitsINSTALLATION OF PROTECTIVE COVERS.Mooring Procedures for High WindsFigure 2-48. Mooring the AircraftCHAPTER 3 - AVIONICSSECTION II. COMMUNICATIONSFigure 3-1. Audio Control PanelUHF TRANSCEIVER (AN/ARC-164, HAVE QUICK II).VOICE SECURITY SYSTEM TSEC/KY-58 (COMPLETE PROVISIONS ONLY).Figure 3-2. AN/ARC-210 Advanced Communications System Control UnitFigure 3-3. Radio Control Unit (RCU)Figure 3-4. Emergency Locator TransmitterDIGITAL INTEGRATED FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM (SPZ-4500).Figure 3-5. EFI-890R PFD/MFD and UNS-1F FMS InterfaceFigure 3-6. Pedestal ExtensionATTITUDE AND HEADING REFERENCE SYSTEM (AHS-3000).Figure 3-7. Electronic Standby Instrument System display (ESIS)Table 3-1. - Digital Flight Control System Error CodesTable 3-2. - Digital Flight Control System LimitsTable 3-2. - Digital Flight Control System Limits - ContinuedFigure 3-8. Autopilot ControllerFigure 3-9. Flight Director Mode Selector/AnnunciatorVertical speed hold mode button-indicatorHeading select modeTACAN navigation and approach modeBack course modeILS approach modeVertical speed hold modeSECTION IV. TRANSPONDER AND RADARFigure 3-10. Weather RADAR Mode Selector Control PanelTGT (Target Alert). Table 3-3. - Relectivity ChartTURB (Turbulence Only). Figure 3-11. Radar Relector size versus Beam WidthSTB (Stabilization) PushbuttonFault MonitorFigure 3-12. TWR-850 Weather RADAR Functional Block DiagramTRANSPONDER (AN/APX-119).Figure 3-13. Transponder Control PanelTable 3-4. - Transponder Operating Controls and Indicators Table 3-4. - Transponder Operating Controls and Indicators - ContinuedFigure 3-14. Lightning Sensor System control panelFigure 3-15. Lightning Sensor Display IconsCHAPTER 4 - MISSION EQUIPMENTFigure 4-2. Annunciator Control PanelTable 4-1. - Annunciator Panel Controls and Indicators Table 4-1. - Annunciator Panel Controls and Indicators - ContinuedFigure 4-3. Mission Control PanelTable 4-2. - Mission Control Panel Controls and IndicatorsSECTION II. AIRCRAFT SURVIVABILITY EQUIPMENTTable 4-3. - Common Missile Warning System ComponentsFigure 4-4. Electronic Control UnitFigure 4-5. User Data Module InstallationFigure 4-6. Electro-Optic Missile SensorFigure 4-7. Coarse/Acquisition - Miniature Integrated GPS/INS Tactical System (C-MIGITS)Figure 4-8. SequencerFigure 4-9. Improved Countermeasures Dispenser (ICMD) ComponentsFigure 4-10. Payload ModuleFigure 4-11. Flare Zone Load PatternFigure 4-12. CMWS Control Indicator PanelFigure 4-13. CMWS Safe/Arm Control PanelFigure 4-14. ECU Service PanelFigure 4-15. I/F Ampliier (Front, Back and Side views)Figure 4-16. Wing Mounted Safety SwitchAAR-57 CMWS OPERATION.CI Display MessagesTable 4-11. - CI Display MessagesTable 4-11. - CI Display Messages - ContinuedTable 4-11. - CI Display Messages - ContinuedRADAR SIGNAL DETECTING SET (AN/APR-39(V) 2 ).CHAPTER 5 - OPERATING LIMITS AND RESTRICTIONSSTARTER LIMITATIONSFigure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 5-1. Instrument Markings (Sheet 5 of 5)FUEL SYSTEM LIMITS.Table 5-1. - Engine Operating LimitationsOVER TEMPERATURE AND OVERSPEED LIMITATIONS.SECTION IV. LOADING LIMITSSECTION V. MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM AIRSPEED LIMITSFigure 5-2. Flight EnvelopeSECTION VII. ENVIRONMENTAL RESTRICTIONSSEVERE ICING LIMITATIONS.SECTION VIII. OTHER LIMITATIONSCHAPTER 6 - WEIGHT/BALANCE AND LOADINGFigure 6-1. Aircraft Compartments and StationsTable 6-1. - Occupants Useful Loads, Weights, and MomentsTable 6-3. - Useful Load Weights and Moments/Usable Fuel, 6.4 to 6.7 LB/GALTable 6-4. - Useful Load Weights and Moments/Usable Fuel, 6.8 to 7.1 LB/GALTable 6-4. - Useful Load Weights and Moments/Usable Fuel, 6.8 to 7.1 LB/GAL - ContinuedSECTION III. FUEL/OILTable 6-5. - Center of Gravity Limits (Landing Gear Down) Restricted Category Figure 6-2. Density Variation of Aviation FuelSECTION VI. CARGO LOADINGFigure 6-3. Center of Gravity Loading DiagramCHAPTER 7 - PERFORMANCE DATAAirspeed Calibration - Normal System, I Takeoff Ground Roll.Static Take-off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes Retracted or Extended.Maximum Take-Off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps Up.Net Take-off Flight Path-Second Segment - Flaps Up.Accelerate Go - Flaps Approach.Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps Approach.Service Ceiling-One Engine Inoperative.Range Proile - Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM.Range Proile Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM.Endurance Proile - Full Main Tanks.Landing Distance-One Engine Inoperative - Flaps Down.Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature ConversionTable 7-1. - Route Segment DataMinimum Static Takeoff Power (Ice Vanes Retracted)Figure 7-1. Takeoff Path Proile - One Engine InoperativeTakeoff Path Proile (Flaps Approach, One Engine Inoperative)Flight Planning ExampleTable 7-2. - Example Cruise True AirspeedsCruise speedsCruise power settingTable 7-3. - Example Cruise ResultsTable 7-4. - Example Time, Fuel, and DistanceEnroute Instrument CorrectionsTable 7-5. - Example Fuel Flow (lbs/hr)Figure 7-2. Airspeed Calibration - Normal System, Take-Off Ground RollFigure 7-3. Airspeed Calibration - Normal SystemFigure 7-4. Altimeter Correction - Normal SystemFigure 7-5. Airspeed Calibration - Alternate SystemFigure 7-6. Altimeter Correction - Alternate SystemFigure 7-7. Indicated Outside Air Temperature CorrectionFigure 7-8. ISA ConversionFigure 7-9. Fahrenheit to Celsius Temperature ConversionFigure 7-10. Static Take-Off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes RetractedFigure 7-11. Static Take-Off Power at 1700 RPM, Ice Vanes ExtendedFigure 7-12. Wind ComponentsFigure 7-13. Maximum Take-Off Weight Permitted by Enroute Climb RequirementsFigure 7-14. Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at Liftoff - Flaps UpFigure 7-15. Maximum Take-off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps UpFigure 7-16. Take-Off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Up (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-16. Take-Off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Up (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-17. Take-off Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps UpFigure 7-18. Accelerate Stop - Flaps UpFigure 7-19. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps UpFigure 7-20. Net Take-off Flight Path - First Segment - Flaps UpFigure 7-21. Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment - Flaps UpFigure 7-22. Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps UpFigure 7-23. Maximum Take-off Weight to Achieve Positive One Engine Inoperative Climb at Liftoff - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-24. Maximum Take-off Weight as Limited by Tire Speed - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-25. Take-Off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Approach (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-25. Take-Off Speeds (KIAS) - Flaps Approach (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-26. Take-off Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-27. Accelerate Stop - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-28. Accelerate-Go Distance Over 50 Foot Obstacle - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-29. Net Take-off Flight Path - First Segment - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-30. Net Take-off Flight Path - Second Segment - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-31. Horizontal Distance from Reference Zero to Third Segment Climb - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-32. Close-in Take-off Flight Path - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-33. Distant Take-off Flight Path - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-34. Net Take-off Flight Path - Third SegmentFigure 7-35. Climb - Two Engine - Flaps UpFigure 7-36. Climb - Two Engine - Flaps ApproachFigure 7-37. Climb - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7-38. Service Ceiling - One Engine InoperativeFigure 7-39. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Cruise ClimbFigure 7-40. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-40. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-41. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-42. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-43. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-44. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-45. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-46. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-47. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-48. Maximum Cruise Speeds at 1700 RPMFigure 7-49. Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-50. Fuel Flow at Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-51. Range Proile - Maximum Cruise Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-52. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-52. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-53. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-53. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-54. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-54. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-55. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-55. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-56. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-56. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-57. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-57. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-58. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-58. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-59. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-59. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-60. Normal Cruise Speeds at 1500 RPMFigure 7-61. Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-62. Fuel Flow at Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-63. Range Proile - Normal Cruise Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-64. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-64. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-65. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-65. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-66. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-66. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA - 10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-67. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-67. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-68. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-68. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-69. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-69. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-70. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-70. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-71. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-71. Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-72. Range Proile - Maximum Range Power at 1500 RPMFigure 7-73. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-73. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-74. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-74. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-75. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-75. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-76. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-76. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-77. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-77. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-78. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-78. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-79. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-79. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-80. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-80. Loiter Power at 1700 RPM - ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-81. Endurance Proile - Loiter Power at 1700 RPMFigure 7-82. Range Proile - Full Main TanksFigure 7-83. Endurance Proile - Full Main TanksFigure 7-84. Range Proile - Full Main and Aux TanksFigure 7-85. Endurance Proile - Full Main and Aux TanksFigure 7-86. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-86. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-87. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-87. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-88. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-88. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA -10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-89. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-89. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-90. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +10C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-90. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +10C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-91. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +20C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-91. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +20C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-92. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +30C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-92. One Engine Inoperative Max Cruise Power at 1700 RPM (Ice Vanes Retracted) - ISA +30C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-93. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM ISA +37C (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 7-93. One-Engine-Inoperative Maximum Cruise Power 1700 RPM ISA +37C (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 7-94. Time, Fuel, and Distance to DescendFigure 7-95. Climb - Balked LandingFigure 7-96. Normal Landing Distance - Flaps DownFigure 7-97. Normal Landing Distance - Flaps UpLANDING DISTANCE - ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE FLAPS DOWNCHAPTER 8 - NORMAL PROCEDURESBEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK.BEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK. - ContinuedBEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK. - ContinuedBEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK. - ContinuedBEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK. - ContinuedBEFORE EXTERIOR CHECK. - ContinuedFUEL SAMPLE AND OIL CHECK.Figure 8-1. Exterior Inspection.Table 8-1. - Engine Fire Extinguisher Gauge PressureEXTERIOR CHECK.EXTERIOR CHECK. - ContinuedFuselage Right SideINTERIOR CHECK.Overhead panel FIRST ENGINE START (BATTERY START).SECOND ENGINE START (BATTERY START).FIRST ENGINE START (GPU START).BEFORE TAXIING.ENGINE RUNUP.Primary governors BEFORE TAKEOFF.ENGINE ANTI-ICE AFTER TAKEOFF.Table 8-2. - Cruise Climb Schedule.DESCENT-ARRIVAL.TOUCH AND GO/STOP AND GO LANDING.ENGINE SHUTDOWN.BEFORE LEAVING AIRCRAFT.SECTION IV. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICSSECTION IV. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS - ContinuedFigure 8-2. Stall Speeds Power Idle.SECTION V. ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSWarm-Up and Ground TestBefore Leaving AircraftICE AND RAIN (TYPICAL).SEVERE ICING.CHAPTER 9 - EMERGENCY PROCEDURESENGINE MALFUNCTION.MAXIMUM GLIDE.Figure 9-1. Maximum Glide Distance Standard Day (ISA)Figure 9-2. Emergency Exits and EquipmentENGINE RESTART DURING FLIGHT (NO STARTER ASSIST).ENGINE RESTART DURING FLIGHT (USING STARTER).SINGLE-ENGINE DESCENT/ARRIVAL.SINGLE-ENGINE GO-AROUND.ENGINE BLEED AIR SYSTEM MALFUNCTION.DUCT OVER TEMP CAUTION ANNUNCIATOR ILLUMINATED.EMERGENCY DESCENT.FUEL SYSTEM.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCIES.PROPELLER DE-ICE (AUTO SYSTEM).FLIGHT CONTROL MALFUNCTIONS.nding Gear Emergency Extension.FLIGHT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MALFUNCTIONS.SECTION II. MISSION EQUIPMENTFigure 9-4. Wind Swell Ditch Heading EvaluationAPPENDIX A - REFERENCES