TM 1-1520-253-23
a. Preparation of Part:
b. Precleaning Procedure:
Refer to TM 1-1500-344-23.
c. Penetrant Application:
The penetrant may be applied by brushing, spraying, or dipping.
d. Penetrant Dwell:
Allow a minimum of 30 minutes dwell time to a maximum of
240 minutes. Extended dwell time may require rewetting of parts.
e. Penetrant Removal/Rinse:
Rinse the part by waterwash using a low-pressure spray
(pressure not to exceed 20 PSI) and a temperature of
16 to 38 (60to 100 ). DO NOT OVERRINSE.
f. Drying Operation:
The parts should be dried in a circulating air dryer with a tem-
perature range from 38 to 60 (100to 140 ). The
time in the dryer should not exceed the time necessary to
completely dry the surface of the parts.
g. Developer Application:
The dry developer is sprayed or dusted lightly over the part to
be inspected. Shake or blow off with low oil-free air to
remove excess developer.
h. Inspect:
Perform inspection under black light.
i. Materials:
Type I, Method A, Level 3 or 4 (water-washable) Penetrant.