TM 1-1520-253-23
3.9.4 System Securing. Clean the engine transmission adapter thoroughly to remove all residual
magnetic particle media. Refer to Post Cleaning and Restoration of Part or Area After NDI, para-
graph 1.4.16. If removed, the engine transmission adapter requires installation in accordance with
the applicable technical manuals listed in Table 1-1. Secure the engine driveshaft hinged panel.
3.10.1 Description (Figure 3-1, Index No. 10). The combining transmission adapter is internally
splined, which connects the engine driveshaft to the combining transmission.
3.10.2 Defects. Defects may occur anywhere on the surface of the combining transmission adapt-
er. Particular attention shall be given to areas around bolt holes. No cracks are allowed.
3.10.3 Primary Method. Fluorescent Penetrant.
Change 1