TM 1-1520-264-23
The fuselage is a semi-monocoque construction which greatly reduces the potential of catastrophic damage to the
fuselage. Fuselage strength and rigidity is obtained through the structural members and the skin. Some airframe
components are constructed with Kevlar. Kevlar is a synthetic resin-base fiber composite.
Airframe components have silver/aluminum tape, aluminum tape, conductive gaskets and retainers, and conductive
surfaces for gaskets installed to prevent electro-magnetic interference. The landing gear system provides support and
ground stability for helicopter fuselage during taxiing, takeoff, landing, towing, and parking. The system damps and
absorbs landing shocks before they can be transmitted to the airframe structure. The system provides for mounting of
helicopter wheel brakes. The brake system provides ground speed control and braking, and assistance in maneuvering
the helicopter during ground taxi operations.
1.2.4 Engine System. The engine system consists of two General Electric T700-GE-701 or T700-GE-701 C front drive
turboshaft engines. The T700-GE-701 provides 1,546 shaft horsepower and the T700-GE-701C provides 1,690 shaft
horsepower at 20,900 rpm engine torque (Np), to drive the main transmission.
1.2.5 Flight Control System. The flight controls system establishes vertical (up and down), longitudinal (forward and
backward), lateral (left and right), and directional (heading) flight of the helicopter through crew-initiated mechanical
inputs. Helicopter flight control is maintained by demand inputs to the main rotor, tail rotor, and stabilator in the pitch,
roll, and yaw axes.
Mechanical flight controls are provided for the pilot and copilot. Hydraulic pressure boosts crew-initiated control stick and
pedal movements by use of servocylinders operating at 3000 psi. The primary hydraulic system provides power for the
collective, longitudinal, lateral, and directional control servocylinders. The servocylinders are grounded to prevent
electro-magnetic interference. The utility hydraulic system provides redundant hydraulic power to the servocylinders and
utility hydraulic system components. Digital automatic stabilization equipment aids in stabilizing helicopter flight attitudes
and reducing pilot workload. Flight control can be maintained by use of a fly-by-wire backup control system if
mechanical control is lost. All mechanical control linkages are routed separately from the backup control system to
preclude the loss of both systems from a single projectile impact. Selectable and adjustable trim/feel units are provided
for the cyclic control sticks and directional pedals to maintain desired stick and pedal position. A horizontal stabilator
improves handling characteristics of the helicopter at various airspeeds.
1.2.6 Access Provisions. Access provisions consist of the access doors, covers, panels, and fairings. Inspection of the
helicopter and its components can be done through principal access provisions. Principal access and inspection
openings are shown in Figure 1-4 and listed in Table 1-2.
To prevent injury to personnel and damage to helicopter, stand only on designated surfaces. These
areas are reinforced to withstand frequent use and are treaded to prevent slipping. All other surfaces are
NO STEP areas.
1.2.7 Steps. Handholds. and Walkways. Steps, handholds, and walkways aid in doing maintenance, inspections, and
servicing on the helicopter.