TM 1-1520-264-23
Table 1-6. Penetrant Procedure (Type I, Method D)
Preparation of Part:
Refer to Preparation of Part or Area for NDI, paragraph 1.4.4.
Precleaning Procedure:
Refer to TM 1-1500-344-23.
Penetrant Application:
The penetrant may be applied by brushing, spraying, or dipping.
Penetrant Dwell:
Allow a minimum of 30 minutes dwell time to a maximum of 240 minutes. Extended
dwell times may require rewetting of parts.
Penetrant Prerinse:
Prerinse part with a water spray at a temperature of 16 °C to 38°C (60°F to 100°F)
and a spray pressure of 40 PSIG maximum. Do not overrinse.
Remover Application:
Apply a solution as recommended by manufacturer of the specific hydrophilic
remover in water to surface of the part. Dwell time shall be kept to an absolute
minimum consistent with complete removal of excess penetrant.
Postrinse Operation:
Postrinse part with a water spray at a temperature of 16 °C to 38°C (60°F to 100°F)
and a spray pressure of 40 PSIG maximum. Do not overrinse. Rinse
effectiveness should be checked with a black light to ensure complete removal of
penetrant remover.
Drying/Developer Operation:
If a dry nonaqueous developer is to be used, first dry the part in a drying oven at a
temperature not to exceed 60 °C (140
°F) until dry. Then apply the developer. If
an aqueous developer is to be used, then submerge the part in the developer
solution immediately after washing. Follow by drying the part in a drying oven as
mentioned above. In either case, parts shall be removed from the drying oven as
soon as they are dry.
i. Inspect:
Perform inspection under black light.
j. Materials:
Type 1, Method D, Level 3 or 4 (hydrophilic remover) Penetrant (Refer to Table 1-8).