TM 1-2840-248-23P
T.O. 2J-T700-4
KITS. Line item entries for repair parts kits appear at the end of the applicable figure.
ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS. The publications listed below pertain to the engine model T700-GE-700,
and its components:
Publication No.
Short Title
TM 1-1520-237-23
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual, UH-60A Utility Helicopter
TM 1-2840-248-23
Aviation Unit and Intermediate Maintenance Manual, Engine Aircraft Turboshaft
DMWR 1-2915-358
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Hydromechanical Control Unit
DMWR 1-2995-241
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Anti-Icing Bleed and Start Valve
DMWR 1-2840-248
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Engine Assembly
DMWR 55-2840-252
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Lube and Scavenge Pump
DMWR 55-2915-340
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Hydromechanical Control Unit
DMWR 55-2915-341
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Fuel Boost Pump
DMWR 55-2925-247
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Electrical Control Unit
DMWR 55-2925-248
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Electrical Control Unit
DMWR 55-2995-231
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Anti-Icing Bleed and Start Valve
DMWR 55-2995-233
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Engine History Recorder
DMWR 55-2995-234
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Particle Separator Blower
DMWR 55-2995-238
Depot Maintenance Work Requirement, Pressurizing and Overspeed Unit
This manual does not list spare and repair part required for maintaining shipping and storage containers for
T700-GE-700 engines and modules. Refer to TB 55-8100-200-24, Maintenance of Specialized Reusable Containers for
Aircraft Equipment, for requisitioning spare and repair parts.
Warnings and cautions for hazardous materials listed in this manual are designed to apprise personnel of
hazards associated with such items when they come in contact with them by actual use. Consult your local safety and
health staff concerning specific personnel protective requirements and appropriate handling and emergency procedures.