0008 00
TM 1-4920-435-13&P
Perform following steps only if shrinking/stretching machine is to be used or jaw
assemblies changed. When in operation, foot pedal extends well out in front of
machine and into door way of personnel entrance. This extended pedal could
result in SERIOUS INJURY to personnel running into or tripping over the pedal.
1. Turn upper and lower latches (1) counterclockwise to loosen upper and lower jaw assemblies.
2. From cabinet, obtain lower and upper jaw assemblies (2) to replace. Tighten securely.
1. Loosen and remove cargo strap from stools.
2. Move stools to locations within shop as needed.
3. Remove two ring bolts from stool transport location.
4. Store cargo strap in appropriate storage location and ring bolts in Shelter BII Box.
5. Obtain two set screw floor plugs from appropriate storage location and insert into empty bolt holes.
End of Work Package