TM 55-1510-215-10
25. Right ferry fuel tank shutoff valve -
39. Ferry fuel selector valve - BOTH.
40. Ferry system
electric fuel pump -
26. Left ferry fuel tank shutoff valve -
Transfer approximately
60 gallons of fuel
(approximately one quarter of the
capacity of both ferry
tanks). Transfer of 60 gallons
of fuel should take
27. Ferry fuel selector valve - LEFT
approximately 40 minutes.
41. Ferry system electric fuel pump -
28. Left wing tank fuel gage - Note
indicated fuel quantity.
42. Ferry fuel selector valve - OFF.
29. Left ferry tank fuel gage - Note
indicated fuel level. Remove left ferry tank filler cap and
43. Ferry fuel tank shutoff valves (2) -
visually check that indicated fuel quantity corresponds to
gage indication.
44. Manual fuel pump control valve -
30. Ferry system electric fuel pump
switch - ON. Transfer approximately 30 gallons of fuel
(approximately one quarter of left ferry tank capacity)
45. Ferry fuel system vent heat switch -
from the left ferry tank to the left wing tank system.
ON. Check that temperature of heated vent increases
Transfer of 30 gallons of fuel should take approximately
then turn switch OFF.
40 minutes.
46. Battery switch - OFF.
31. Left ferry fuel system fuel lines and
connectors - Check for leaks while fuel is flowing.
47. GPU - Disconnect as required.
32. Ferry system electric fuel pump
48. Ferry fuel tanks - Fill in accordance
switch - OFF.
with fuel handling precautions and servicing instructions
33. Left wing tank fuel gage - Check for
increased indicated fuel quantity of approximately one
quarter tank.
Settling time for jet fuels is one hour
34. Left ferry tank fuel gage - Note
per foot of tank depth. Allow the fuel
indicated fuel level. Remove left ferry tank filler cap and
to settle for the prescribed period of
visually check that indicated fuel quantity corresponds to
time before any fuel samples are
gage indication.
35. Manual fuel pump - Operate at
49. Fuel sample - Take from each ferry
approximately 34 strokes per minute.
tank drain.
approximately 10 gallons of fuel in to left wing tank
system. Visually check fuel level inside left ferry tank
50. Ferry fuel tank fuel and caps -
before and after manual fuel pump check to insure that
Check fuel level visually. Check seal is installed, cap is
fuel actually has been transferred.
tight and properly installed.
36. Wing tank fuel gages (2) - Note
Before takeoff. Heated fuel vent switch -
indicated fuel quantity.
37. Ferry tank fuel gages (2) - Note
(3) During flight.
indicated fuel quantity.
1. Wing fuel gages - Monitor (until wing
38. Right ferry fuel tank shutoff valve -
tanks are 1/2 to 3/4 full).