TM 55-1510-215-10
2. Ferry system fuel selector valve -
system. It has not been tested using
AVGAS. Flow rates will be less, and
consequently ferry fuel pump may
not keep up with engine demand.
3. Manual fuel pump selector valve -
The aircraft may use JP-4 or JP-5 in any ratio
4. Ferry system electric fuel pump
Civilian jet fuel may not contain an anti ice/fungicide and
switch - ON.
may thicken when temperature drop below -40F. In the
event aviation kerosene is not available, aviation
2-38. Approved Fuels.
gasoline is an approved emergency fuel. Refer to
Aviation gasoline (AVGAS) contains
The use of aviation gasoline is time
a form of lead which has an
limited to 150 hours of operation
accumulative adverse effect on gas
during any Time-Between-Overhaul
turbine engines The lowest octane
(TBO) period.
It may be in any
AVGAS available (less lead content)
quantity with aviation kerosene.
shall be used. If more than 10% of
the total fuel on board is AVGAS, the
total operating time shall be entered
in DA Form 2408-13.
Do not use AVGAS in the ferry fuel
2-39. Description.
2-41. Rudder Pedals.
The aircraft's primary flight control system consists
Aircraft rudder control and nose wheel steering is
of rudder, elevator and aileron control surfaces. These
accomplished by actuation of the rudder pedals from
surfaces are manually operated from the cockpit through
either pilot's or copilot's station (fig. 2-5). A fore and aft
mechanical linkage using control wheels for the ailerons
position adjustment of the pedals is provided through an
and elevators, and adjustable rudder/brake pedals for
adjustment control lever on each pedal. For toe brake
the rudder. Trim control for the rudder, elevator and
ailerons is accomplished through a manually actuated
cable-drum system for each set of control surfaces.
2-42. Flight Controls Lock.
2-40. Control Wheels.
Positive locking of the rudder, elevator and aileron
control surfaces, and engine controls (power levers,
Elevator and aileron control surfaces are
propeller levers, and condition levers) is provided by a
operated by manually actuating either the pilot's or
removable lock assembly consisting of two pins and an
copilot's control wheel. Electric switches are installed in
elongated U-shaped strap interconnected by a chain (fig.
the outboard grip of each wheel to operate the elevator
2-16). Installation of
the control locks is
trim tabs, to disengage the autopilot/yaw damp, control
by inserting the strap over the aligned engine control
wheel steering, and press-to-talk microphone switch.
levers from the copilot's side; then the aileron-elevator
locking pin is inserted through a guide hole in the top of
side of the instrument subpanel. An electric digital clock
the pilot's control column assembly, thus locking the
is installed in the center of each wheel.
control wheels. The rudder pedals are held in the
Change 5 2-33