TM 55-1510-215-10
1. Wing Tip navigation light (typical both wings)
4. Dual landing lights (typical both wings)
2. Anti-collision lights (strobe beacon)
5. Ice light (typical both nacelles)
3. Tail navigation light
6. Taxi light
2-74. Interior Lighting.
on the individual rheostat switches, but it relieves the
pilot of a need to shut off each individual light switch
Instrument panel lighting is provided by individual
before leaving the aircraft. Instead, the pilot may leave
post or eyebrow type red lights installed at the top edge
the brightness settings as established by placing the
of each instrument. In addition, instrument indirect
MASTER PANEL LIGHTS switch in the OFF position.
lighting is provided by nine white lamps and nine red
Subsequently, when the MASTER PANEL LIGHTS
lamps located in the glareshield overhang along the top
switch is placed ON, each individual light will again
edge of the instrument panel. Additional cockpit lighting
illuminate at its previous brightness level.
is furnished by two white flood lights flush mounted in
the overhead light control panel, and a cockpit utility light
b. Interior Lighting Circuit Breakers.
mounted on the window ledge on each side of the
lighting circuits are protected by eight 5-ampere circuit
cockpit. Two overhead white flood lights are installed in
breakers on the right subpanel under the group
the cabin area. All aircraft interior lighting is controlled
by either rheostat, press-to-light, or toggle type switches
INDIRECT protects the red and white lights on the
located on the overhead control panel (fig. 2-21) in the
instrument panel glareshield. The circuit breaker PED &
cockpit. All switches are appropriately placarded as to
SUB PANEL protects both subpanel lighting circuits and
their identity and function position.
the control pedestal lights. The FLT INST circuit breaker
protects the pilot and copilot instrument lights, the clock
a. Master Panel Lights Switch. A MASTER PANEL
light, the pilot and copilot oxygen regulator lights, the
LIGHTS switch is located at the center of the overhead
magnetic compass light, and the free air temperature
gage light. The OVHD & FUEL PNL circuit breaker
or OFF control for all lighting circuits, except flood lights,
protects the copilot's circuit breaker panel lights, the
installed on the panel. It is in series with the individual
edge lights on the fuel control panel, the oxygen
lighting control switches and must be ON to enable the
pressure gage light, and the edge lights and flood lights
individual switches to function. This switch does not
of the overhead control panel. The ENG INST circuit
interfere with the brightness settings, which must be set
breaker protects the instrument panel post lights and the