TM 55-1510-215-10
commands are depicted through the use of a command
2-84. Miscellaneous Instruments.
V-bar arrangement. Warning flags are provided to
indicate invalid attitude or computed command displays.
a. Annunc iator Panels. Two annunciator panels
Any warning flag in view indicates that that portion of
are installed. One in a WARNING panel with red fault
information is unreliable. An inclinometer, located on the
identification lights, and the other is a CAUTION panel
bottom of the indicator, provides the pilot a conventional
with yellow identification lights. The WARNING panel is
display of aircraft slip or skid.
mounted in the center of the glare shield above the
a. Fast Erect Switch. A switch placarded V/G
located in the bottom center of the instrument panel
FAST ERECT, located on the pilot's side of the
instrument panel, provides for fast erection of the FDI
the existence of a hazardous condition requiring
attitude sphere.
immediate corrective action. A yellow caution light
signifies a condition other than hazardous requiring pilot
2-80A. Copilot's Attitude Director Indicator.
attention. In frontal view both panels present rows of
small, opaque rectangular indicator lights. Word printing
The copilot's attitude director indicator (ADI) (fig. 3-11)
on each indicator identifies the monitored function
displays aircraft attitude as a conventional pneumatic
situation or fault condition, but cannot be read until the
Attitude displayed is in
light is illuminated. Both panels employ an automatic
relationship to an artificial horizon. An indicating plane in
brightness control circuit to adjust brightness of the
front of the face of the instrument represents the aircraft
legend indicators to assure good readability in the
and a movable horizontal bar behind the indicating plane
presence of other cockpit lighting. Automatic brightness
represents the horizon. The symbolic aircraft may by
circuits will function only if the following switching
adjusted vertically by means of a knob located on the
combination is established: OVERHEAD FLOOD
indicator, to correct for variations in level flight attitude at
different airspeeds. This unit is designed to operate
GEN 1 and GEN 2 switches ON. If any one of the
through all attitudes and need not be caged for any
switching positions stated are changed, all lights of both
maneuver. The ADI is equipped with a decision height
annunciator panels will illuminate at maximum bulb
(DH) annunciator, which works in conjunction with the
brightness. The bulbs of all annunciator panel lights are
radar altimeter.
tested by pressing the momentary push button switch
which is located on the right side of the warning
2-81. Free Air Temperature Gage.
annunciator panel.
The free air temperature gage, centered above the
(1) Master warning light (red).
A master
windshield (fig. 2-5), indicates the outside air temperature
warning light is provided for both the pilot and copilot,
in degrees celsius.
and is located at the top center of their respective
2-82. Magnetic Compass.
illuminates, the master warning light will flash, and will
continue to flash until the illuminated warning light
The magnetic compass is located on the top of the
condition is corrected and/or the master warning light is
windshield divider. A compass correction chart indicating
pressed to reset the flashing circuit. If a new condition
deviation is located adjacent to the magnetic compass.
occurs, the flashing light will be reactivated, and the
applicable annunciator panel light will illuminate.
2-83. Radio Magnetic Indicators (RMI).
(2) Master caution light (yellow). A master
Identical radio magnetic indicators are installed for
caution light is provided for both the pilot and copilot and
is located adjacent to the master warning light near the
aircraft heading and radio bearing information to-from a
top center of the pilot's and copilot's respective
VOR, ADF facility or RNAV waypoint. A selector switch
on the RMI provides for selection of either NAV or ADF
light illuminates, the master caution will flash, and will
as the bearing information to be displayed by either
continue to flash until the illuminated caution light
needle. Slave control units located on the pilot and
condition is corrected and/or the master caution light is
copilot sides of the instrument panel (fig. 2-22) controls
pressed to reset the flashing circuit. If a new condition
occurs, the flashing light will be reactivated and the
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