TM 55-1510-215-10
appropriate annunciator panel lights will illuminate.
Time Setting.
(3) Caution legend light and switch.
green light and a switch are located above the caution
It is always necessary to go through
loaded to the center OFF position and is placarded ON,
the date step before setting the time.
OFF, CAUTION LEGEND. The green light is located
If the date is correct, simply press the
below the words CAUTION LEGEND. If the pilot tires of
SET button four times to cause the
seeing long existent conditions illuminated on the
hour's digit to flash, then proceed
caution panel, he may momentarily position the switch
with the following instructions.
OFF, to extinguish all lights on the caution panel, and
cause the green light to illuminate as the only indication
that these conditions still exist. If the pilot chooses, he
may momentarily press the switch to ON, to extinguish
Twelve or twenty-four hour time is
the green light and cause redisplay of each existing
displayed depending upon installation.
condition on the caution panel. If a new monitored event
In the 24 hour clock operation only,
occurs while the green light is illuminated and the
the clock annunciator on the display
caution panel is darkened, the signal of the new
does not appear.
Clock or timer
condition will automatically extinguish the green light and
function is indicated only by the timer
redisplay all existing events on the caution panel.
annunciator on the display.
Circuits of the annunciator panels are protected by a
5-ampere circuit breaker, placarded ANN PANEL,
3. Press the SET button two times to
cause the hours digit to flash. Then
press the DT/AV button to advance
b. Clocks. A digital clock/timer is located in the
the hour digit. Press the SET button
one time to cause the minutes digit
clock is protected by a 1-ampere circuit breaker, located
to flash. Then press the DT/AV
in the DC junction box. The DC junction box is located
button to advance the minute's digit.
in the nose compartment of the aircraft.
The minute should be set to the next
minute to come up on the time
(1) Digital clock operating procedures. The
standard being used for the correct
MODE button is pressed to select the desired operation.
time. The SET button is pressed
The mode annunciator is displayed above the word
once more to hold the time
TIMER or above the word CLOCK. The position of the
displayed, press the DT/AV button
annunciator indicates the function mode, either timer or
to start the clock function at the
clock, except for the 24 hour clock operation.
exact second. If the minutes are not
advanced when they are flashing in
1. Press the MODE button to position
the set mode, pressing the SET
the annunciator above the word
button will return the clock to the
normal time keeping mode without
altering the minutes timing. This
Date Setting:
feature is useful when changing
time zones when only the hours are
2. Press the SET button one time. The
to be changed.
month's digit will flash. Press the
DT/AV button to advance the
(2) Digital clock operation. Normal operation
month's digit to the desired month.
of the clock will be indicated by activity of the colon
Press the SET button one time and
indicator. The colon dots will blink off for one second
the day's digit will flash. Press the
every ten seconds to indicate correct clock functioning.
DT/AV button to advance to the
desired day. The date is now set.
(3) Date operation.
the clock mode
selected, pressing the DT/AV button
momentarily will
activate the date mode to the display.
The month and
date will be visible for 1.5 seconds.
The display will
Change 10 2-70A