TM 55-1510-215-10
HDG warning flag
Compass card
Heading index
Double needle pointer
Single needle pointer
Double needle switch
Single needle switch
Figure 3-6. Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI)
(2) Compass card. Gyro stabilized to indicate
3-15. Gyromagnetic Compass Systems.
aircraft heading and bearing information.
a. Description.
The aircraft incorporates two
(3) Heading index.
Reference point for
gyromagnetic compass systems. The pilot's compass
aircraft heading.
system consists of the following components: KSG 105
slaved directional gyro, KMT 112 magnetic flux valve
(4) Double needle point . Indicates ADF or
and a KA 51B slave control (fig. 3-7) (located on left
NAV 2 VOR bearing as selected by double needle
side of pilot's instrument panel). This system provides
primary heading data to the pilot's HSI (KPI 553) and
copilot's RMI (KNI 582).
(5) Single needle pointer. Indicates ADF or
NAV 1 VOR bearing as selected by single needle switch.
The copilot's compass system consists of the
following components: KG 102 directional gyro, K 112
(6) Double needle switch. Selects desired
magnetic flux valve and a KA 51B slave control
signal to be displayed on double needle pointer.
(fig. 3-7) (located on
right side of
copilot's instrument
panel). This system provides primary heading data to
(a) ADF position. Selects ADF bearing
the copilot's HSI (KI 525A) and pilot's RMI.
For heading reference, two separate modes of
(b) NAV position. Selects VOR bearing
operation (FREE/SLAVED) are provided, as selected
utilizing the KA 51B slave control. In areas where
magnetic references are reliable, the systems should be
(7) Single needle switch.
Selects desired
operated in the SLAVE mode.
In this mode, the
signal to be displayed on single needle pointer.
directional gyro is slaved to the magnetic flux valve
which supplies magnetic reference for correction of the
(a) ADF position. Selects ADF bearing
apparent drift of the gyro. In FREE mode, the systems
are operated as a free gyro. In this mode, latitude
corrections are manually introduced using the CCW
(b) NAV position. Selects VR or RNAV
(counterclockwise) or CW (clockwise) switch.
b. Controls and Functions.
(1) Slave meter.
Indicates difference
between sensed heading and displayed heading. A
positive deflection indicates a clockwise error of the
compass card.
Change 10 3-13