TM 55-1510-215-10
5-13. Ambient Temperature Takeoff Limitation.
ambient temperature conditions.
The Takeoff
Temperature Limitations Chart determines this limitation
A limitation based on pressure altitude and ambient
temperature prohibits aircraft takeoff under certain high
5-14. Center-of-Gravity Limitations.
5-15. Weight Limitations.
The maximum designed gross weight is 9650
pounds for takeoff and 9168 pounds for landing.
Maximum ramp weight is 9705 pounds.
5-16. Floor Loading Limits.
When oxygen bottles are not
installed in rear cabin, check aircraft
The floor is stressed to support a maximum vertical
loading to avoid exceeding forward
load of 200 pounds per square foot on the seat tracks.
CG limit. Flight operations involving
Secondary supports should be used to distribute highly
forward loadings while the oxygen
condensed weights evenly over the cargo areas.
bottles are removed are critical, i.e.,
pilot and copilot only or forward
loaded cargo and/or passengers.
computation of the center of gravity are contained in
5-17. Airspeed Limitations.
Airspeed indicator readings contained in procedures,
Altitude variations do not affect the
text, and illustrations throughout the Operators Manual
limits shown in the Flight Envelope
are given as indicated airspeed (IAS).
indicator markings (fig. 5-1) and placarded airspeeds,
located on the cockpit overhead control panel
5-20. Landing Gear Extension Speed.
The airspeed limit for extending the landing gear and
for flight with the landing gear extended is 156 KCAS
5-18. Maximum Allowable Airspeed Vmo.
(154 KIAS). Above this speed, air loads may damage
the landing gear doors or their operating mechanisms.
The maximum allowable airspeed under all
5-21. Landing Gear Retraction Speed.
conditions is 208 KCAS (208 KIAS) Vmo. Operation
above this speed may cause structural damage.
The airspeed limit for retracting the landing gear is
130 KCAS (127 KIAS). If the landing gear is retracted
5-19. Turbulence Penetration Speed.
above this speed, air loads may damage the landing
gear operating mechanism.
The maximum safe penetration speed in severe
turbulence is 169 KCAS (168 KIAS).
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