TM 55-1510-215-10
5-24. Minimum Single-Engine Control (V mc).
5-22. Wing Flap Extension Speeds.
The airspeed limit for lowering the flaps to the
The placard Vmc airspeed of 92 knots is the
approach position (35%) is 174 KCAS (173 KIAS). The
calibrated airspeed value for sea level standard day
airspeed limit for extending the flaps from the approach
conditions. For V c as a function of pressure altitude
position to the full down, or any intermediate position is
130 KCAS (127 KIAS). If indicated airspeeds exceed
these limitations the flaps or their operating mechanisms
may be damaged.
5-25. Maximum Design Maneuvering Speed Va.
5-23. Cockpit Vent/Storm Window Speed.
The maximum design maneuvering speed is 169
KCAS (168 KIAS).
No airspeed limitations are imposed on cockpit
vent/storm windows.
5-26. Maneuvers.
1.68G's with wing flaps up or a positive load factor of
2.0G's, or negative G's with wing flaps down.
b. The maximum design maneuvering speed is 169
KCAS (168 KIAS). For turbulent air penetration use an
airspeed of 169 KCAS (168 KIAS). Avoid over action on
Operation beyond the structural
power levers, turn off autopilot altitude hold, keep wings
capabilities of the aircraft will result
level, maintain attitude and avoid use of trim. Do not
in complete failure of one or more
chase airspeed and altitude. Penetration should be at
airframe components.
an altitude which provides adequate maneuvering
margins when severe turbulence is encountered.
a. The following maneuvers are prohibited.
5-27. Bank and Pitch Limit.
(1) Spins.
a. Bank limit is 60.
(2) Aerobatics of any kind.
(3) Abrupt
b. Pitch limit is 30 above or below the horizon.
(168 KIAS).
(4) Any maneuver which results in a positive
load factor of 3.70G's or a negative load factor of
Change 7 5-9