TM 55-1510-215-10
cargo must be secured with restraints strong enough to
that is designed to take a 2000 pound load in any
withstand the maximum force exerted in any direction.
The maximum force can be determined by multiplying
the weight of the cargo item by the applicable load
factor. These established load factors (the ratio between
6-27. Cargo Unloading.
the total force and the weight of the cargo item) are 1.5
to the side and rear, 3.0 up, 6.6 down, and 9.0 forward.
Unloading of cargo will be accomplished through the
main entrance door and the cargo door. Extreme
caution must be exercised to prevent damaging the
6-26. Tiedown Devices.
wings, wing flap, floorboards, seat tracks, upholstery,
etc. Personnel shall observe NO STEP areas. After
18 recessed rings located in the floor are provided
completing the unloading operation, check the aircraft for
for tiedown. Each has a full swiveling 2-1/2 inch ring
possible damage from loading, transporting, or
unloading the cargo; then replace the passenger seats.
6-28. Center-of-Gravity Limitations.
the aircraft's reference datum. The forward CG limit is
144.7 ARM inches for all weights below 7400 pounds
and tapers to 153.2 ARM inches at 9650 pounds. The
Center-of-gravity limits are expressed in ARM inches
aft CG limit is 160.4 ARM inches at all weights (fig. 6-8).
which refers to a positive measurement from