TM 55-1510-215-10
7-7. Color Coding.
a. Flight Test Data. Data obtained by flight test of
the aircraft by experienced flight test personnel at
The performance charts are color coded as follows:
precise conditions using sensitive calibrated instruments.
a. Green: For example guidelines.
b. Calculated Data. Data based on tests, but not
on flight test of the complete aircraft.
b. Red: Limit lines.
c. Estimated Data. Data based on estimates using
c. Yellow: Precautionary or time-limited operation.
aerodynamic theory or other means but not verified by
flight test.
7-8. Reading The Charts.
7-10. Specific Conditions.
The primary use of each chart is given in an
example and a green guideline is provided to help you
The data presented is accurate only for specific
follow the route through the chart. The use of a straight
conditions listed under the title of each chart. Variables
edge (ruler or page edge) and a hard fine point pencil is
for which data is not presented, but which may affect
recommended to avoid cumulative errors. The majority
that phase of performance, are discussed in the text.
of the charts provide a standard pattern for use as
Where data is available or reasonable estimates can be
follows: enter first variable on top left scale, move right to
made, the amount that each variable affects
the second variable, deflect down at right angles to the
performance will be given.
third variable, deflect left at right angles to the fourth
variable, deflect down, etc. until the final variable is read
7-11. General Conditions.
out at the final scale. In addition to the primary use,
other uses of each chart are explained in the text
The following general conditions might have
accompanying each set of performance charts. Colored
deteriorating effects on the aircraft performance:
registration blocks located on the bottom and top of each
atmospheric humidity, fuel flow, rigging, pilot technique,
chart are used to determine if slippage has occurred
aircraft variation, engine variation, and instrument
during printing. If slippage has occurred, refer to chapter
5 for correct operating limits.
7-12. Performance Discrepancies.
7-9. Data Basis.
Regular use of this chapter will allow you to monitor
The type of data used is indicated at the bottom of
instrument and other aircraft systems for malfunction, by
each performance chart under DATA BASIS. The data
provided generally is based on one of three categories:
performance. Knowledge will also be gained concerning
the effects of variables for which data is not provided,
thereby increasing the accuracy of performance