TM 55-1510-215-10
7-57. Description.
7-59. Condition.
a. Speeds. These speeds have been selected to
variation of approach speed with weight for flaps up and
provide adequate margins above the stall speeds for the
flaps down operation. The landing approach speed (Vref )
appropriate flap settings.
is the indicated airspeed the aircraft should be at when
50 feet above the runway in landing configuration.
b. Landing Chart. Performance scheduled on the
c. Touchdown.
The touchdown shall be
accomplished at speeds less than those scheduled.
Consideration shall be given to the appropriate stall
7-58. Use of Chart.
speed from the Stall Speed Chart (fig. 8-4) and to the
minimum touchdown speed needed to remain within the
The approach speed line shows the indicated
recommended area on the Crosswind-Takeoff or
approach airspeed to use for a given aircraft weight.