TM 55-1510-215-10
8-1. Mission Planning.
must be within the limits prescribed in chapter 5,
Mission planning begins when the mission is
assigned and extends to the preflight check of the
8-4. Performance.
aircraft. It includes, but is not limited to checks of
operating limits and restrictions; weight balance and
loading; performance; publications; flight plan and
determine the capability of the aircraft for the entire
crew/passenger briefings. The pilot in command shall
mission. Consideration must be given to changes in
insure compliance with the contents of this manual that
performance resulting from variations in loads,
are applicable to the mission.
temperatures, and pressure altitudes. Record the data
on the Performance Planning Card for use in completing
8-2. Operating Limits and Restrictions.
the flight plan and for reference throughout the mission.
The minimum, maximum, normal and cautionary
8-5. Flight Plan.
operational ranges represent careful aerodynamic and
structural calculations, substantiated by flight test data.
A flight plan shall be completed and filed in
These limitations must be adhered to during all phases
accordance with AR 95-1, DOD FLIP, and local
of the mission. Refer to chapter 5, OPERATING LIMITS
AND RESTRICTIONS, for detailed information.
8-6. Crew/Passenger Briefings.
8-3. Weight/Balance and Loading.
A crew/passenger briefing shall be conducted to
The aircraft must be loaded, cargo and passengers
insure a thorough understanding of individual and team
secured, and weight and balance verified in accordance
responsibilities. The briefing should include the copilot,
crew chief, passengers and ground crew responsibilities
This aircraft is in weight and balance class I and requires
and the coordination necessary to complete the mission
a weight and balance clearance only when loaded in
in the most efficient manner. A review of visual signals
other than a normal manner in accordance with AR 95-
is desirable when ground guides do not have a direct
16. The aircraft weight and center of gravity conditions