TM 55-1510-215-10
7. Crossfeed - OPEN.
20. Autoignition - As required.
21. Electrical equipment - As required.
9. Fuel control heat - ON.
22. Auxiliary fuel pumps (2) - As required.
10. Airspeed
23. Crossfeed - As required.
11. Altitude - Below 20,000 feet.
h. Deleted.
12. Autoignition - ARM.
i. Maximum Glide. In the event of failure of both
engines, maximum gliding distance can be obtained by
feathering both propellers to reduce propeller drag and
by maintaining appropriate airspeed per the Maximum
Glide Distance Chart (fig. 9-3), with the gear and flaps
up. Turn off all electrical equipment to conserve battery
power for extending the gear and flaps, but leave the
If ignition is not evident in 10
master switch ON.
Refer to the Maximum Glide
seconds after moving the condition
lever to LO IDLE, position the
condition lever to FUEL CUTOFF and
j. Landing With One or More Engines Inoperative.
the autoignition switch to OFF. If
another restart attempt is to be made,
repeat the entire ENGINE RESTART
With one engine inoperative level
flight cannot be assured with full
13. Condition lever - LO IDLE.
flaps and the landing gear down.
(1) Single-engine landing. Fly a normal
pattern and perform Single Engine Before Landing check
When N1 is below 13%, starting
as appropriate. Extend flaps beyond the approach
temperatures tend to be higher than
position only if required, and then only after there is no
possibility of a go-around. Plan for a slightly higher than
overtemperature (1090C or above)
normal approach, allowing for sufficient straight-away on
final, so minor alignment, speed, and altitude corrections
can be accomplished without excessive low altitude
condition lever into FUEL CUTOFF
maneuvering. Do not extend full-flaps until gear is down
position as necessary.
and locked. Make a normal touchdown, reducing power
during flareout. Avoid excessive or abrupt changes in
14. ITT and N1 - Monitor (1090C maximum).
power. A feathered propeller will result in less drag and
may cause the aircraft to "float" during landing. After
15. Engine clean up - Perform if restart is
touchdown, apply brakes and propeller reversing as
16. Oil pressure - Check (40 PSI minimum).
Single-engine reversing may be
above 50%)
applied if required.
Use extreme
caution if landing surface is not hard
18. Propeller - Synchronize.
and dry.
19. Power - As required.
Change 8 9-7