TM 55-1510-215-10
(2) Forced landing - no power.
sufficient altitude remains after reaching a suitable
100% flaps must be used to obtain
landing area, a circular pattern will provide best
the minimum landing distances in
observation of surface conditions, wind speed and
direction. When the condition of the terrain has been
noted and the landing area selected, set up a
1. Gear - Recheck DN (check
rectangular pattern and extend the gear when landing is
assured. Fly the base leg as necessary to control point
normal tendency is to overshoot due to less drag. In the
event a positive gear down and locked indication cannot
be determined, prepare for a gear up landing. Refer to
(3) Single-engine descent-arrival check.
Once the flaps are full DOWN on a
Perform the following checks prior to traffic pattern entry:
single-engine landing, do not attempt
a go-around.
1. Seat
harnesses - Secure (crew/passengers checked).
k. Single Engine Go-Around. The decision to
go around must be made as early as possible.
2. Fuel panel - Check.
Elevator forces at the start of a go-around are very
high and a considerable amount of rudder control
3. Parking brake handle - In.
will be required at low airspeeds.
Retrim as
required. If rudder application is insufficient or
4. Inlet air separator - As required.
applied too slowly, directional control cannot be
maintained. If control difficulties are experienced,
5. Engine ice vanes - As required.
reduce power on the operating engine immediately.
Ensure that the airplane will not touch the ground
(4) Single-engine before landing check.
before retracting the landing gear. Retract the flaps
Perform the following checks upon pattern entry:
only as safe airspeed permits (APPROACH until
Vref used for APPROACH, then UP). Perform single
1. Auxiliary fuel pump (live engine)
go-around as follows:
- ON.
2. Flaps - APPROACH below 174
Once flaps are fully extended, a
KCAS (173 KIAS).
single engine go-around may not be
possible when close to ground under
conditions of high gross weights
To prevent zeroizing the Mode 4
and/or high density altitude.
function of the transponder, when the
landing gear is down (struts
1. Power
compressed) and either transponder
or aircraft power is to be turned off,
place the CODE switch momentarily
2. Gear - UP.
in HOLD position.
3. Flaps - UP.
3. Gear - DN below 156 KCAS
(154 KIAS).
4. Power - As required.
4. Landing lights - ON.
5. Landing/Taxi lights - OFF.
(5) Single-engine landing check.
6. Deleted.
l. Chip Detector Warning Light On.
annunciator panel will require the following
immediate procedures:
Change 8 9-9