TM 55-2840-231-23
2-9. Compressor Case Half -Removal
Applicable Configuration
Para 2-8, 2-9, 2-10.1, 2-10.2, 2-12, 2-14, 9-4 thru 9-8
Remove only one case half at a
time. DO NOT remove both case
halves at the same time. Front
support could be misaligned.
Insure that the removed case half
is properly reinstalled and that
the bolts are tightened to the
required torque values before any
of the bolts on the other case half
are loosened. (Refer to
paragraph 2-12.)
1, Compressor Case Half
One compressor case half may be removed to
inspect the rotor blades, stator vanes, plastic
coating, and front support welds. (Refer to
paragraphs 2-8, 2-9, 2-10.1, 2-10.2, and 2-14. )
Removal of compressor case half is
authorized only as a last resort to determine
the cause of low engine performance or when
foreign object damage (FOD) is suspected.
Before removing the case half insure that low
engine performance is not caused by a
defective bleed valve or anti-icing valve,
leaking scroll-to-rear diffuser seal or
compressor discharge air tube seals, or a
dirty compressor. Removal of the compressor
case and inspection in accordance with
paragraphs 2-8, 2-9, 2-10.1, 2-10.2 and 2-14,
will be accomplished every 24 months or 300
hours, whichever comes first.
a. Remove the compressor
bleed valve. (Refer to
paragraph 9-4 thru 9-8. )
b. Remove the anti-icing
air tubes between the
anti-icing air valve and
the compressor front
support. (Refer to para
c. Mark the location of
nameplate (6) when the
applicable compressor
case half-to-front support
bolts (3) are to be
removed. This is to insure
that the nameplate will
be returned to the same
location at assembly.
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