TM 55-2840-231-23
2-13. Compressor Rotor Blades - Cleaning.
Applicable Conjuration
Water Soluble cleaner (item 26, Appendix D)
Type II and Type IIA Cleaners (items 55, 56,
57, 58, AppendixD)
Rotor Blades
Water Soluble Cleaner (item 26, Appendix D)
Type II and Type IIA Cleaners (items 55, 56, 57,
58, App D).
B&B 3100 (ML-C-85704, Type I) is the
primary cleaner for Army turbine engines
and remains an approved cleaners for lo-
cales where environmental restrictions
permit Engine cleaners that conform to
MIL-C-85704, Type II and Type IIA are
also acceptable engine cleaners and meet
ue use of B&B 3100 where not restricted
Where restrictions apply use
MIL-C-85704,Type II and Type IIA
cleaners. Approped Type II and type IIA
cleaners shall be used in accordance with
the existing washing procedure. Type IIA
cleaners do not require dilution with wa-
ter. Both types of cleaners are lease effec-
tive than Type I cleaners. Therefore more
frequent engine washes may be required
to achieve satisfactory results.
Change 12
With one compessor case
half rernoved, clean
contamination from the
blades using a tooth
brush and a solution of
one part cleaning
compound to four parts
of clean water (distilled
if possible).
EPA environmental requirements. Contin-