TM 55-2840-231-23
6-14. Fuel Control Max Speed Stop - Check - Continued
c. Lift collective slowly
until N2 rpm decays 3
or 4%. At this point
N1 is at max rpm.
Record N1.
6. Fuel Control
Assure the accuracy of the TOT and
N1 indicating systems prior to ad-
justing the max speed stop screw.
82.4% N1 indicator reading
+20.0% tool allowance
102.4% N1 max setting
d. Make a normal
engine shutdown.
Adjust max speed stop
screw as follows, if
a. Add 20% to N1 read-
ing to account for fix-
ture 6872482. The
total should be 104%.
b. If N1 max setting is
above 104%, make no
adjustment. If setting
is less than 104%, as in
example, turn max
speed atop screw clock-
wise into casting to
increase N1 speed.
It is recommended that screw be turned in
increments of one turn maximum before
setting is rechecked. Repeat the setting
until 104% is attained. One turn equals
approximately 1% speed.
Remove fixture 6872482
and reinstall throttle
lever nut. Tighten nut
to 40-60 in. lb (0.5 -
0.6 kg/m ). Be sure
throttle lever match
mark is still alined,