TM 55-2840-231-23
6-16. Fuel Pump - Installation - Continued
4. Fuel Tubes (9 and 10)
5. Fuel Supply Hose
6. Before-Filter, After-
Filter, and Seal Drain
Hoses (13. 14 and 15)
Install fuel tubes between
fuel pump (12) and
control. Tighten tube
coupling nuts to 150-200
in. lb (1.7-2.3 kg/m).
Connect fuel supply hose
at pump inlet (11). Tighten
coupling nut to 150-200
in. lb (1.7-2.3 kg/m).
Connect hoses. Tighten
coupling nuts to 80-120
in. lb (0.9-1.4 kg/m).
On the first start after fuel pump has
been changed, return the gas
producer lever to fuel cutoff and
motor the engine for about 10 seconds
if a false start occurs or if a start is
not completed within 45 seconds.
Following installation of the fuel
pump test the engine as outlined in
paragraphs 1-63 thru 1-71.
6-17. Fuel Pump and Filter Assembly - Preparation For Storage and Shipment
Applicable Configuration
Consumable Materials
Drycleaning Solvent (item 1, Appendix D)
Lubricating Oil (item 4, Appendix D)
Corrosion Preventive Compound (item 11,
Appendix D)
Tape (item 3, Appendix D)
Para 1-36, 1-39, 2-7, 2-20 and 1-6
Change 11