TM 55-2840-231-23
6-27.4. Inspection of Engine Fuel Pump Filter Bypass Valve for Proper Operation - Continued
Fuel Pump Filter Bypass
Valve Inspection - Contin-
(6) Momentarily
actuate the fuel boost
pump. The fuel filter
caution light should il-
luminate and fuel
should flow from the
tubing indicating the
pump bypass is work-
ing. Refer to paragraph
6-27.5 for corrective
action if the bypass is
not working.
(7) Remove the fil-
ter cover. Fill the clear
tubing with fuel (saved
from item (6)) to raise
the fuel level 12 to 24
inches above the fuel
pump after filter sense
line port.
(8) Observe the fil-
ter housing area for
leakage. Leakage ex-
ceeding 10 drops per
minute is not accept-
able. Refer to para-
graph 6-27.5 for cor-
rective action.
(9) Remove the cap
from the filter boss and
remove the fitting and
tubing from the after
fuel pump filter sense
(10) Reconnect the
after fuel pump falter
sense line to the fuel
filter pressure switch.
b. Reinstall or re-
place the fuel filter as
required in accordance
with paragraph 6-27.
Change 13