TM 55-2840-231-23
8-11. Inspection Procedures
Applicable Configuration
1. Inspection Procedures.
The following oil checks are to be per-
formed during scheduled oil changes. Re-
fer to TM 55-2840-231-23P for figure
and item numbers.
These procedures to insure adequate
oil flow shall he accomplished when a
new, newly overhauled or depreserved
engine is placed in service.
a. Drain the oil tank.
b. Remove the magnetic chip detector,
figure 6, item 65, from the bottom of the
gearbox and drain residual oil.
c. Remove and clean or replace the oil
filter, figure 16, item 50.
d. Refill the oil tank with engine oil
(MIL-L-23699 or MIL-L-7808).
e. Remove and clean the magnetic chip
detector on the forward side of the gear-
box. While both magnetic plugs are re-
moved, motor engine with the starter and
permit a small amount of oil (1 or 2
ounces) to flow from the openings in the
gearbox. This will assist in rinsing the
gearbox of carbon particles. Reinstall the
cleaned magnetic plugs.
f. Loosen the fittings and remove the line,
figure 5, item 58B, going to the T fit-
ting, figure 5, item 51B, that feeds oil to
the number six and seven bearing (pres-
sure oil fitting screen, figure 5, item 19A,
assembly). Motor the engine and permit a
small amount of oil (1 or 2 ounces) to
come out the end of the oil tube. Clean
and reinstall the screen and tube assem-
bly. Tighten pressure oil tube coupling
nuts to 80 to 120 in. lbs. Tighten clamp
nuts, figure 5, item 13, to 35 to 40 in. lbs.
Change 13