TM 55-2840-231-23
1-38. Damaged, Cannibalized, or Failed Engine Preservation. Inoperable engines that are idle because they require
parts or maintenance shall be preserved in accordance with paragraph 1-37 and stored in a shipping container or in
a clean, dry, area where the engine will be adequately protected from dirt, corrosion, and physical damage.
Do not use contact preservatives of any kind, either internally or
externally, on the compressor section. Damage to compressor
could occur.
1-39. Forms, Records, Tags and Stenciling.
a. The forms, records, and reports that are to be used by maintenance personnel when preparing an engine or engine
component for storage or shipment are listed in and prescribed by DA Pamphlet 738-751.
b. Authorized tags and published procedure for their completion is prescribed in TB 750-126. Additional pressur-
ization tags may be applied to assist the maintenance officer in depreservation.
c. Stenciling, labeling and marking of containers for storage and shipment are shown in figures 1-16 and 1-17.
Obliterate old markings that do not apply. Letters and numerals of stencils shall be in block letters 1/2 inch high. Use
white stencil ink (item 10, Appendix D). For additional information on marking and stenciling refer to MIL-STD- 129.
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