TM 55-2840-231-23
1-44. Compressor - Special Inspection - Continued
ENGINE/ - Continued
b. Inspect compressor
front support vanes
and first-stage rotor
blades. Replace
compressor if any
damage, bending or
distortion is detected.
2. Compressor Inlet
Blockage Inspection
a. Replace compressor
assembly if engine
has been operated
with inlet air restricted
due to foreign objects
or materials which have
become lodged in the
compressor inlet.
b. Tag the replaced
compressor to show
that the cause of
removal was inlet air
Conditions which constitute blockage are as
a. Foreign objects or materials found in the
inlet during inspection of the aircraft when
not in operation. If it can be determined that
the blockage was not there during the last
operation of the engine, remove the foreign
object or material and leave the compressor
in service.
b. Power loss encountered following a re-
striction at the compressor inlet area while
the engine is in operation. Blockage in flight
can usually be verified by inspection after
landing (blockage still exists). However, some
blockage may be followed by ingestion before
inspection can take place. Objects or materials
which were large enough to have stopped at
the inlet guide vanes before ingestion should
be considered to have caused compressor
inlet blockage.
3. Compressor Foreign
Power loss associated with an increase in en-
s. Obtain access to com-
Object Damage (FOD)
gine vibration can often be attributed to
pressor inlet but do
foreign object damage. Inspect for foreign
not disassemble any
object damage as follows:
engine parts.