TM 55-2840-231-23
1-44 Compressor - Special lnspection - Continued
ENGINE/ - Continued
If this inspection is inconclusive, remove one
b. Inspect compressor
compressor case half and check for FOD
front support vanes and
(refer to paragraph 2-9).
first-stage rotor blades
and vanes for FOD.
c. If compressor FOD is
detected, remove the
combustion section (refer
to paragraph 3-6) end
check the turbine
first-stage vanes and
blades for FOD.
If turbine FOD is detected, replace the
engine. If only the compressor has sustained
FOD, replace the compressor.
4. Compressor Erosion
If the engine is frequently subjected to sand
and dust, ingestion causing reduced engine
performance (evidenced by high TOT and low
torque), compressor erosion inspection is
recommended. (Refer to paragraphs 2-14 end
5. Compressor Vibration
If engine vibration is encountered or
compressor replacement was made, perform
vibration test as follows and repair or replace
the engine as applicable.
Vibration Monitoring Kit, Tool No.
a. Install vibration
monitoring kit in
accordance with TM
b. Run engine and
check for vibration in
excess of the limits
specified in the following
tabular listing. Note the
origin of the vibration.
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