TM 55-4920-328-13
2-60. Removal of Engine from Test Trailer.
Proceed as follows:
Complete disassembly of certain engine
accessories assembled during engine
preparation is not required. Specific
instructions for removal of assembled
parts are provided in the text when
a. Ensure that all METS system power is
deenergized, then ensure that the NI and NIIl master
control units and the water brake master control units
are in the closed (aft) position.
components of the engine accessories at
removal. Reinstall all shipping covers,
caps, and plugs on the engine, when
b. Remove the three overboard drain hose
assemblies from the containers used for drainage.
Dispose of the contents of the containers in accordance
with Base Safety Officer directives.
c. Disconnect the six test trailer cable assemblies
(W1 through W6) from the mating connectors on the
data acquisition assembly (17, figure 2-50). Stow the
cable assemblies in the cable tray on the test trailer.
The following steps (d) through (g)
provide instructions for removal of the
NI, NIl, and throttle linkages in the
reinstallation at the next engine testing
d. Loosen the setscrew (107) and remove the
arm assembly (106) from the shaft of the transmitter
e. Detach the rod end (114) from the NI slave unit
by removing the cotter pin (117), washer (116), and
clevis pin (115). Reinstall these parts in the rod end to
facilitate reinstallation at the next testing cycle.
f. Remove the nut (154) and washer (153), then
slide the linkage arm assembly (120) and attached
linkage off the engine fuel control stud.
g. Remove the nut (152) and washer (151) to
disengage the linkage arm assembly (96) from the NIl
control stud. Remove the cotter pin (93), washer (92),
and pin (91) to disengage the assembled parts from the
NIIl slave unit. Reinstall the attaching parts in the rod
ends to facilitate reinstallation at the next testing cycle.
h. Disconnect the hose assembly (37, figure 2-51)
from the portable oil unit (31), then detach the coupler
(40) (on the opposite end) from the valved nipple (41)
on the test trailer water system.
i. Disconnect the hose assembly (42) from the
portable oil unit, then detach the coupler (45) (on the
opposite end) from the valved nipple (46) on the test
trailer water system.
j. Disconnect the hose assemblies from the
portable oil unit and from the water brake bearing
lubrication connections.
k. Detach the hose assembly (58) from the
valved nipple (59) on the test trailer water system. Do
not detach the hose assembly at the opposite end.
I. Detach the water supply hose assembly (17)
from the half coupling (18) on the test trailer and from
the supply manifold assembly (16).
m. Detach the return manifold assembly (19)
from the half coupling (20) on the test trailer.
n. Remove the oil level indicator assembly and
attached hose assemblies in the reverse order of
installation specified in paragraph 2-59.
o. Loosen the eyebolt handles (15), four places,
and disengage the latches (14) from the forward and aft
axles of the engine test dolly assembly.
p. Attach the sling assembly (1) as specified in
paragraph 2-59, observing the precautions noted
q. Connect the hook (8) to the sling assemI)ly (1)
and remove the assembled engine, mount stand
assembly (2), and engine test dolly assemi)ly (5) from
the test trailer deck in the reverse orcier of installation
specified in paragraph 2-59, ob. serving the warning
stipulated therein.
r. Remove all electrical cable assemblies from
the installed engine accessories.