TB 1-1615-351-23
Pull the masking tape off as soon as the application is complete. Do not wait for
the coating to set. After the coating sets, masking tape removal becomes very
difficult and the edge of the coating will be rough and may debond slightly.
It is more efficient for one person to apply the coating and the second person to
asset in mixing of the next can of coating, rotating blades, taking care of expended
cans and brushes, etc.
Successive coats may be applied a rapidly as practical, as long as the material can
be spread smoothly and evenly with the maximum build-up at the leading edge.
When applying the coating, is particularly important to have a good build-up at the
blade leading edge where most severe erosion occurs.
h. Coating Application - Tail Rotor (Step 5B).
(1) Position the tail rotor vertically.
(2) Apply the compound using the dimensions and quantities in the applicable tables and illustrations for each
individual aircraft in Chapter 2, and the techniques described for the main rotor. Rotate the tail rotor to apply the coating
to the next blade and repeat until the coating has been applied to all blades for the required number of coats.
Any unused kits of the coating should be retained for touch up and repair of the
i. Touch Up (Step 6).
Runs and sags may cause airfoil distortion resulting in performance degradation
and difficulties in track and balance. Runs and sags may be trimmed using a razor
(1) After the coating cures, runs and sags may be touched up using sandpaper backed by a hard sanding block.
(2) Make sure drain holes are open and free of the coating.