TB 1-1615-351-23
d. Tail Rotor Agcoat Coating Installation.
TASK L-100 polyurethane paint may be used in place of agcoat. It also may be
used to repair agcoat.
(1) Tail Rotor Tip Caps. Remove tip caps.
(2) Cleaning. Clean local greasy spot around area to be masked as shown in figure 3-9 with
cheesecloth or machinery towel dampened with MEK, isopropyl alcohol, or denatured alcohol.
(3) Masking. Mask off area for polyurethane coating with Tuck tape as shown in figure 3-9.
(4) Surface Preparation. Scuff the masked off area with 120 grit sandpaper. Always sand in a
spanwise direction.
(5) Cleaning. Clean area shown in figure 3-9 with cheesecloth or machinery towel dampened with
MEK, isopropyl alcohol, or denatured alcohol, then wipe once with a clean, dry cloth.
(6) Mix Primer. Stir Part A primer before using. Mix equal amounts (4 oz. of each) of AGC 1201-7
primer Parts A and B in a beaker and stir well. Close can and bottle after pouring out required amount.
Consult U.S. Army Environmental Hygiene Agency (U.S. AEHA) Technical Guide
144 Guidelines for Controlling Health Hazards in Paint Operations and the Material
Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for guidance. Use safety glasses, gloves, and
disposable (Tyvek) coveralls. Avoid skin contact. Always apply coatings so that
any spray or vapors are directed away from breathing zone of individuals. Use
(7) Primer Application. Brush the primer on the blade in the area shown in figure 3-9 where the
coating will be applied. Allow the primer to dry at least one hour at 70 degrees F or above. Do not
handle the primed surface. If the primer surface becomes contaminated, lightly wipe it with denatured
(8) Mix Coating. Stir Part A of coating before using. After the primer dries, mix 3/4 cup of AGC
1201R polyurethane coating Part A with 1/4 cup polyurethane Part B in a cup and mix well. Do not stir
again after it is mixed well. If a skin forms on top of coating, remove it. Do not stir the coating. Close
coating cans after pouring out required amount.
(9) Coating Application.
(a) Brush on 5 coats to the entire area shown in figure 3-9, allowing five minutes minimum drying
time between recoating a specific area. Brush on heavy coats with light pressure to avoid damaging
previous coats. If lumps form in the coating, discard and mix a new batch. If a skin forms on top of the
coating remove it.
(b) Remove masking tape after the first 5 coats are applied and apply the remaining coats by
(c) Total number of coats are shown in figure 3-10. Allow the coating to cure 24 hours a 70
degrees F or above.
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