TB 1-1615-351-23
(7) Tape Application, 8 in. Apply alignment marks to outside of tape in the appropriate position
sheet 2. Apply first piece of tape to area shown in figure 3-33 per tail rotor procedure. Apply 4
additional 36-inch long pieces of 8" tape as shown in figure 3-34.
Remove masking tape.
(8) Tape Application, 2 in. Scuff the 8" wide tape surface with 120 grit sandpaper in area to be
covered by 2" wide tape as shown in figure 3-35. Clean tape surface with MEK. Apply tape to blade with
No. 86 adhesion promoter as before in Step (6).
Repeat Steps (6) through (8) for each blade.
(9) Blade Installation. Install main rotor blades, if removed per -23 TM.
c. Tail Rotor Tape Installation.
(1) Cleaning. Clean area shown in figure 3-36 with cheesecloth or machinery towel dampened
with MEK, isopropyl alcohol or denatured alcohol.
Some rotor blades may be painted with acrylic lacquer, and MEK can
adversely affect this paint and the subsequent quality of the erosion
protection. In this case, MEK should not be used as a cleaning agent.
(2) Layout and Mask. Layout and mask off tail rotor with Tuck masking tape for polyurethane tape
(3) Cut Tape. Cut 2 pieces of 4" wide polyurethane tape 14.5 inches long.
Surface preparation and cleaning are the most important steps to
ensure proper adhesion.
(4) Surface Preparation. Scuff the masked off area with 120 grit sandpaper. Only sand in a
(5) Cleaning. Clean area on blade to be covered with cheesecloth or machinery towel dampened
with MEK, isopropyl alcohol or denatured alcohol, then wipe once again with a clean, dry cloth.
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