TB 1-1615-351-23
MEK will remove lacquer paint. Blades originally painted with lacquer paint may
be touched up with aliphatic polyurethane aircraft black (MIL-C-46168), provided
area is first primed with epoxy primer (MIL-P-23377).
b. Restortion of Rotor Blade After Removal of Coming.
(1) Inspect area where AGCOAT coating was applied and look for possible damage on the blade surface, which
might have occurred during removal of AGCOAT coating.
(2) Repair/restore damage area in accordance with applicable TM.
(3) Lightly sand surface to be pained using abrasive paper (360 grit) or equivalent.
Heavy sanding will damage blade skin.
(4) Wipe surface to be painted with MEK wetted cloth and wipe dry before solvent evaporates.
To prevent damage to blade bonding, do not allow solvent to seep into bonded
joints. Cloths wet with MEK should not be left lying on blade.
(5) Mask around area requiring paint touchup using masking tape and heavy paper or equivalent protective
(6) Prime repaired area with epoxy primer (ML-P-23377).
(7) Paint repaired area with aircraft black aliphatic polyurethane (MIL-C46168).
Use eye, skin and breathing protection when spraying paint.
Have proper
ventilation in panting area.
(8) Remove masking tape and paper/protective covering from repaired paint touchup area.
c. Track and Balance. Perform track and balance in accordance with -23 aircraft TM.