TB 1-1615-351-23
d. Partial Removed. If rotor blade erosion protection is to be partially removed, use the removal procedures listed in
the below sections for the particular erosion protection material to be removed. In addition, the following applies:
(1) Maintain blade erosion protection materials not removed in accordance with (lAW) this technical bulletin. It
should be noted that TASK L-100 and AGCOAT must be periodically touched if their applications remain on the aircraft.
These materials cannot be allowed to simply wear off the blades. Otherwise, unacceptable blade track and balance
problems will result from allowing that TASK L-100 and AGCOAT to wear without periodic touch-ups.
(2) Blade erosion protection materials and quantities removed from rotor blades shall be identical on all rotor
blades for each main rotor or tail rotor group. When a single type of erosion material is to be removed it must be removed
in its entirety from the rotor blades. Partial removal of a single type of blade erosion protection material is unacceptable.
e. Blades on Aircraft. If all rotor blade erosion protection is to remain on the aircraft the rotor blades shall be
maintained lAW the TB and normal -23 TM maintenance instructions. It should be noted that maintaining blade erosion
protection materials includes periodic inspections, touch-ups, and repairs.
f. Final Inspection. Any removal procedure of blade erosion protection material should be accompanied by a final
inspection for blade damage. Discovered damage must be treated per -23 TM before flight.
Rotor Blade Erosion Protection must be removed from the AH-64 and UH-60A
aircraft before operating in icing conditions.
The application of erosion protection material required track and balance of the
respective main and tail rotor blades. Any complete or partial removal will require
a similar effort to maintain proper track and balance.
a. Detailed Procedures.
(1) Aircraft returning with deteriorated, voided, or other defects with the protective tape, or requiring use of the
device system should give priority to removing the protective tape from these aircraft.
(2) Removal of the rotor blades from the aircraft is not mandatory, however it is easier with blades removed.
(3) Tape removal is made easier by dividing the protective strip into three or more span length sections.