TM 1-1500-204-23-1
c. Upholstered Seats.
Cleaning, repair, and instal-
lation and removal procedures are explained in the fol-
lowing paragraphs.
Cleaning. Clean upholstered seats by using
cleaning materials and methods as prescribed in para-
graph 9-20a.
(2) Repair.
Repair small rips or tears with a
sewed or unsewed patch. Attach unsewed patches with
adhesive, Federal Specification MMM-A-1617.
(3) Installation and removal. For instructions
installation and removal, refer to the applicable mainte-
nance manual for particular aircraft.
d. Raschel Knit Seat Covers. Raschel knit seat
cover maintenance limits are listed below:
Deterioration or discoloration which indicates a
strength decrease to the point where it affects the
integrity of the seat(s) is not allowed.
Tears, cuts, or holes greater than 2.5 inch in length
or diameter are not allowed; the seat should be
Tears, cuts, or holes less than 2.5 inch in length can
be repaired. Repair is not allowed for seat covers
with holes, cuts, or tears in raschel kit material that
are located close to the seams of the adjoining
panels and do not allow sufficient space for the
darning procedure. Repair should be used as a
temporary measure until new seat covers or back
covers can be installed. In the fine-mesh duck cloth
surrounding the raschel knit material, tears, cuts
and holes up to 2.5 inches in length can be
repaired. A different method for repairing is
required and is as follows:
Tears, cuts or holes less than 0.5 inch in length may
be repaired by stitching which extends 0.5 inch into
the sound material surrounding the damaged area.
Tears, cuts or holes of up to 1.0 inch in length may
be repaired with the use of a patch made of the
same material as the seat cover. Locate on the
underside of the damaged area and sew a zigzag
stitch over the tear area and into patch extending
0.5 inch into the sound material surrounding the
damaged area.
Tears, cuts, or holes of 1.0 to 2.5 inches in length
may be repaired with the use of a patch made of the
same material as the seat cover. The patch should
be sized to extend 1.0 inch in all directions to the
damaged area and include 0.50 inch of material to
fold under to finish all the edges of the patch. The
patch should be located on the underside of the
damage area with the folded edges to the inside.
Zig-zag sew the damage area into the patch, fol-
lowed by a minimum of two (2) rows of stitching
around the patch using 6-9 stitches per inch.
A 24 month service life pertains only to those
covers which are used in an energy attenua-
tion application.
Replace the original nylon spall shield, or use
new ballistic nylon MIL-C-12369 for replacement.
Apply a thin even coat of contact adhesive EC
1300L (FSCM 04963) to the tile surface. Allow
adhesive to dry until tacky. Carefully mate the
spall shield to the tile, working it on by hand
pressure. Fit the nylon snugly over the fiberglass
patch (or patches). Do not wrap the spall shield
over the edge of the panel. Tears in the spall
shield shall not exceed 3 inches. Any unbonded
area of the spall shield, (as evidenced by bulges),
shall not exceed a diameter of 1 inch.
Seat covers made of raschel knit nylon cloth shall
have a service life of 24 months. Seat covers that
are not marked with an installation date shall be
assumed to have the same date as the day of
acceptance of the aircraft. Replacement covers
shall be marked with contrasting ink conforming
to MIL-l-6903. The size of marking shall be of
sufficient size and location so that it can easily be
read. The following is an example of marking
installation date: 7 Mar 88
e. Polyester Fabric Seat Covers (Uh-60).
ing, repair, and installation and removal procedures for
polyester fabric seat covers are explained in the following
(1) Cleaning.
Clean the polyester fabric seat
and back using the following procedures:
(a) Brush fabric with firm bristle brush
removing excess dirt.
(b) Use enough liquidto allow complete
immersion of the seat cover to be washed.
Mix 3 ounces of low strength laundry
soap, Federal Specification P-S-1792, to each gallon of
water. Synthetic detergentis permissible as an alterna-
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