TM 1-1500-204-23-1
b. Adjustment of Windshield Wiper System.
windshield wiper system shall be adjusted as follows:
Do not operate wipers on dry glass.
Loosen locknut on wiper blade, align blade,
and tighten locknut.
(2) Remove locknut from wiper unit shaft,
adjust position of arm on shaft to give full sweep on
windshield, and reinstall locknut.
Adjust tension nut at base of wiper arm until
blade exerts 1 1/2 to 2 pounds pressure against wind-
Measure tension at tip of wiper arm in a direc-
tion perpendicular to windshield surface.
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and solvent
vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680, Type II Sol-
vent in a well-ventilated area. Keep away
from open flames. Avoid prolonged solvent
contact with skin.
Remove grease spots with drycleaning
solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680.
Remove blood stains by use of cold
water applied with sponge. Remove residue with a 10
percent solution of ammonia hydroxide, MIL-STD-612,
or a paste of cornstarch, Federal Specification NC-541.
Allow treated area to dry. When cornstarch is used, brush
dried material from fabric.
(2) Repair.
Repair and patch fabric material of
troop seats using repair procedures outlined in para-
graph 9-22.
9-20. Aircraft Seats.
Maintenance of aircraft seats
shall be accomplished in accordance with the proce-
dures explained in the following paragraphs.
a. Troop Seats.
Cleaning, repair and installation
and removal procedures for fabric or cotton canvas troop
seats are explained in the following paragraphs.
(1) Cleaning.
Clean troop seats as follows:
(3) Installation and removal. Follow instruc-
tions contained in the applicable aircraft maintenance
manual for installation and removal procedures.
b. Metal Seats. Cleaning, repair, and installation
and removal procedures are explained in the following
Unfold and place parts face up.
(b) Brush with a firm bristle brush to
remove excess dirt.
Prepare a cleaning solution of 1 ounce
of anionic synthetic detergent (alkyl benzene sulfonate),
Federal Specification P-D-410, per gallon of water.
(d) Work up heavy suds by repeatedly
squeezing of a sponge saturated with detergent solution.
Apply heavy suds to soiled areas.
Scrub soiled areas briskly, using a firm
bristle brush or heavy cloth. Wipe off with a damp cloth.
Allow treated area to dry. Brush to raise
Drycleaning solvent is flammable and solvent
vapors are toxic. Use P-D-680, Type II Sol-
vent in a well-ventilated area. Keep away
from open flames. Avoid prolonged solvent
contact with skin.
Cleaning. Clean with clean cloth moistened
with drycleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680.
(2) Repair Patches and reinforcement repairs
to metal seats will be accomplished in accordance with
repair procedures in TM 1-1500-204-23-10.
(3) Installation and removal. Follow instruc-
tions contained in the applicable aircraft maintenance
manual for installation and removal procedures.