TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Table 11-5. References for Flotation Equipment
TM 55-1680-321-12
Inspection, Maintenance and Disposition Instructions,
Desalter Kit, Type MK-2
TM 5-4220-202-14/
Maintenance Instructions with Parts Breakdown
TO 14S-1-102
USAF Flotation Equipment
FM 1-508
Maintaining Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE):
Maintenance Program
Table 11-6. References for Oxygen Equipment
TM 55-1660-245-13
TO 15X-1-1
NAVAIR 03-50-1
Maintenance Instructions:
Oxygen Equipment
TM 55-1669-247-12
TO 15X-3-6-1
TM 55-6695-217-13
Operation, Fitting, Inspection and Maintenance Instructions
for MBU-12/P Pressure-demand Oxygen Mask.
Operation and Maintenance Instructions for Tester, Oxygen Mask,
Headset, Microphone and Flash Goggles Type MQ-1
TM 55-6695-217-23 & P
Aviation Unit and Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Repair Parts and
Special Tools List, Tester Oxygen Mask, Headset, Microphone and
Flash Goggles Type MQ-1A.
e. Cleaning. All cleaning of flotation equipment will
be in accordance with TM 5-4220-202-14 and TO
11-17. Oxygen Equipment.
Oxygen equipment for
ALSE consists of that equipment not a permanent/inte-
gral part of the aircraft/aircraft airframe. Oxygen to be
used is Oxygen, Breathing, Aviators, MIL-0-27210. The
cylinder is color-coded with a green top, white band,
green band and a green body in accordance with MIL-
STD 101. There are several types of oxygen. Aviation
oxygen is dry compared to the wet medical oxygen. Dry
oxygen for aviation is required because of high altitude
and low temperatures. Medical oxygen, which is wet, can
freeze causing malfunction of oxygen equipment and
oxygen masks. The handling of oxygen demands the
safe handling, care, and attention to details. Refer to TM
55-1660-245-13 and TO 15X-1-1. There are many
restrictions to servicing oxygen equipment; all must be
adhered to. A clean environment is required to service
personal oxygen equipment, masks-regulators-oxygen
bottles, etc. The mask, because it is on the users face,
if not properly serviced, could cause facial skin, throat,
and lung problems, or at worst, no oxygen flow when
needed causing hypoxia and possible death. Table 11-6
gives references for oxygen equipment.
a. Inspection. Inspection of all oxygen equipment
will be in accordance with the applicable TM/TO.
b. Repair. Repair of all oxygen equipment will be in
accordance with the applicable TM/TO/NAVAIR. The
maintenance facility will conform to the requirements of
TM 55-1660-245-13/TO 15X-1-1/NAVAIR 03-50-1) a tri-
service manual for oxygen and some oxygen equipment
maintenance including the requirements for the oxygen
maintenance area.
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