TM 1-1500-204-23-1Figure 2-1. Temporary Shop Layoutc.Equipment Mounted in Mobile Shelters.Equipment shall be mounted in accordance with thespecific shop requirements.d.Shop Equipment Arrangement. Shopequipment is arranged to best meet the needs of theparticular shop operation. All equipment must bearranged with utmost care to prevent danger topersonnel.e.ChainHoists. Chain hoists for temporary shopsshall be inspected daily for the following.·Excessive wear or stretch·Bent or twisted links·Defective welds·Nicks and gougesf.CompressedAirPanels. The compressed airpanel connector installed through the wall of the S-280shops may be replaced by removing the two boltssecuring it to the mounting plate. Apply sealant to thereplacement connector and reinstall mounting bolts.g.Electrical Utilities.Electrical power istransmitted from 60 Hz mobile electric generatorsthrough the power distribution panels to the shops byheavy-duty power cables.h.NoiseLevels.Noise levels in temporary shopsare high. Personnel working in these shops shall wearadequate hearing protection.i.DustandDirtControl. Use the followingprocedures for dust and dirt control.(1)Sweep the floor each morning with anordinary push broom.2-3
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business