TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Allow first coat to dry thoroughly before applying second
Machines shall not be operated
during painting operation.
Equipment Maintenance Form. The equipment
maintenance form is explained in the following
DD Form 314. This form, properly initiated,
shall be attached to each piece of equipment. The
accomplished and noted by operator by placing his
initials in the appropriate block.
Hangar and Shop Safety. All supervisory
personnel in Army hangars and shops are responsible
for a continuing and effective shop safety program. To
implement and maintain this program, shop supervisors
will utilize bulletin boards, signs, and any other effective
method. Shop personnel will cooperate in the shop
safety program by making helpful recommendations,
and continually exercising care and caution in the
operation of all shop equipment. The following
paragraphs describe electrical, machine tool, and fire
safety precautions.
Electrical Safety. The following electrical
safety precautions shall be observed in Army hangars
and shops.
Ensure that all unauthorized personnel are
clear of area before opening valves or
Electrical tools must be connected to a low
resistance ground.
Electrical cables and air hoses to portable
units will be laid out so there is no danger of
Whenever possible, aircraft batteries will be
disconnected when undergoing maintenance
performed in the hangar.
Substantial low resistance conductors shall be
used to ground all stationary and portable
machines, equipment, or other devices in
which static charges may be generated, or
which require electrical circuits of a hazardous
All switches and electrical equipment shall be
of the enclosed explosion-proof type.
All metal apparatus shall be grounded to
avoid the danger of igniting test fluid fumes or
creating electrical shock.
Machine Tool Safety. Machine Tool safety
precautions are explained in the following paragraphs.
Face shields and safety glasses. Personnel
operating machinery shall wear eye protection as
prescribed. A protective face shield or safety glasses
shall be worn when operating a grinder regardless of
whether grinder is equipped with attached shields.
Drilling, grinding, or sawing precautions. The
following safety precautions shall be observed when
drilling, grinding, or sawing.
Clamp work securely so that work will not
Stop machine prior to attempting to adjust
work that has become lammed.
Cutting tools must be kept sharp.
Allow chuck to come to a stop on its own
accord. Do not use hand pressure to stop a
spinning chuck.
Do not set tools while power is on. Examine
tools and chucks for cracks and defects prior
to use.
Stand to one side of grinding wheel when it is
first started to avoid injury in case wheel
Wear suitable gloves in addition to goggles
when buffing.
Fire Safety. Unsafe equipment and fire hazards
are the main factors to be observed while planning
safety procedures for hangars and shops. Unsafe
equipment shall be reported immediately. A constant
vigilance must be maintained to seek out fire hazards.
Fire hazards are constantly present in the shop where
sparks, friction, or careless handling can cause