TM 1-1500-204-23-1
pattern uniformity on like items of equipment, painting
and highlighting shall be accomplished in accordance
with the general pattern shown in figure 2-2. Equipment
other than the type illustrated, shall be painted in
accordance with these general instructions. The painted
finish on this equipment may be retouched. The
commanding officer or his designated representative
shall determine the extent of the touchup allowed
without complete repainting.
Natural wood pieces. Wood pieces or
equipment finished in colors other than those listed in
paragraph 2-4c may be touched up with colors to match
existing finish, provided touchup does not involve
refinishing a total area equal to more than 10 percent of
painted surface area. When more than 10 percent of
painted surface area must be touched up, item shall be
repainted with colors as specified.
Instrument repair benches or other
special purpose benches, parts, and
finish may be refinished in natural
Specification TT-E-489, color shade
17875. Working surfaces of bench
composition need not be repaired.
Start buttons. Start buttons shall be painted
with Federal Specification TT-E-489, green synthetic
gloss enamel, color shade 14260.
Figure 2-2. Painting of Shop Equipment to
Highlight Operator Position.
Stop buttons. Stop buttons for electrical
switches used for emergency stopping of machinery
shall be painted with red synthetic gloss enamel,
Federal Specification TT-E-489, color shade 11105.
Hazardous areas. On some equipment,
extremely hazardous conditions may exist, such as open
flywheels, gears, or other moving parts which cannot be
guarded or which might be impractical to guard. These
parts may be painted with Federal Specification TT-E-
489, orange synthetic gloss enamel, color shade 12197.
Overuse of orange color will defeat the intended
purpose, therefore, the local safety engineer shall
determine the use of this color and furnish instructions.
Painting of machined parts, such as face plates, chucks,
spindels, etc, is not authorized.
Preparation for painting. Prepare surfaces to be
repainted using the following procedures:
Surface should be clean, dry, and free
from dust, grease, oil, rust, and dirt. Glossy surfaces
should be sanded to dull the gloss to ensure adhesion .
Remove all rust and scale by scraping or wire brushing.
flammable material be used near an
open flame. Otherwise injury or
death may result to personnel.
Remove oil and grease deposits from
machinery to be repainted with kerosene, ASTM D3699.
Drycleaning solvent is flammable
and solvent vapors are toxic. Use P-
D-680, Type II Solvent in a well-
ventilated area. Keep away from
open flames. Avoid prolonged
solvent contact with skin.
Wipe surface with a clean cloth moistened
with a grease-free solvent, such as drycleaning solvent,
Federal Specification P-D-680, or paint thinner, Federal
Specification TT-T-291. Repeat this procedure until
machinery surfaces are completely clean.
Bare spots resulting from scraping or
chipping should be sanded to a feather edge and spot
primed with lacquer proof primer, Federal Specification
TT-P-664. Allow priming coats to dry thoroughly and
apply two coats of enamel, Federal Specification TT-E-
489, in prescribed colors.