TM 1-1500-204-23-1
Table 11-11. Consolidated List of ALSE References- CONT
Army Regulations (AR) - CONT
AR 750-1
Army Material Maintenance Policies
AR 750-32
Airdrop, Parachute Recovery and Aircraft Personnel Escape Systems
AR 755-1
Reporting, Utilization, and Redistribution of Installation USAMC, and
Overseas Command Excess Property
AR 755-2
Disposal of Excess, Surplus, Foreign Excess, Captured and Unwanted
Department of Defense Publications (DOD Pub)
DOD 4160.21-M
Defense Utilization and Disposal Manual
DOD 5154 4S
DOD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards
Defense Logistics Agency
DLAM 4155 5
Quality Control Depot Serviceability Standards (Medical Supplies),
Appendix M
Medical Catalog
Containing VOL I, VOL II, VOL III
Department of Defense Customer Assistance Program
call Autovon 284-7871. They will mail copies
Stitches, Seams, and Stitching
Technical Manual (TM)
TM 3-4230-216-10
Operator's Manual for Decontaminating Kit Skin: M25H1 and
Training Aid, Skin Decontaminating M58A1
TM 3-4240-212-14&P
Operator's Organizational, Direct Support and General Support
Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tool List)
Breathing Apparatus, Oxygen Generating, M20
TM 5-803-4
Planning of Army Aviation Facilities
TM 5-4220-201-12
Operator's and Organizational, Maintenance, Life Preserver, Underarm,
Parachutist (B-7)