TM 1-1500-204-23-1
(i) On back personnel parachute, grasp
harness webbing at a point on the lift web above the
ripcord grip pocket. Pull against the weight of pack
assembly to ensure the ripcord pins will not move from
the prepositioned location given in (h) above.
(j) If after completing steps (a) thru (i) above,
it is determined conditions exist which require repair,
repack, or more extensive Inspection, prepare DD Form
1577-2 as shown in DA PAM 738-751. Attach form to
the item. The item then shall be segregated from
serviceable items by a physical barrier and evacuated to
a parachute maintenance facility. An emergency type
personnel parachute which is considered serviceable will
have the inspection recorded as described in paragraph
c, and the parachute will be returned to service.
(2) MK-J5
harness. Inspection procedures for the MK-J5 ejection
seat personnel parachute harness are as follows:
(a) Remove DA Form 3912 from harness log
record and survival manual pocket located on inside
lower right of harness stiffener. Check record for date of
last 200 day MK-J5 ejection seat harness inspection. A
parachute harness which has exceeded 120 days (200
days for MK-J5 ejection seat harness) since last
technical rigger-type inspection, will be considered
unserviceable. After determining the last inspection
date, return the form to the log record and survival
manual pocket.
(b) Ensure that a copy of TM 10-1670-1 is
located in the log record and survival manual pocket.
(c) Visually examine harness webbing for
cuts, frays, tears, broken or loose stitching, worn areas,
discoloration, dampness, or evidence of contact with
petroleum products.
(d) Check harness shoulder pads, chest strap
ejector snap pads, and leg strap ejector snap pads for
damage, broken or loose stitching, and broken or loose
tacking. Ensure that tacking between each ejector snap
and adjacent pad Is not broken or loose.
(e) Inspect strap fasteners, quick release
adapters, connector links, ejector snaps and survival kit
retention buckles for bends, breaks, and corrosion
Check all moving metal components for ease of
operation. Ensure that spring tension is maintained in
each ejector snap.
(f) Check elastic webbing retainers for cuts,
frays, tears, loose or broken stitching, and loss of
An MK-J5 ejection seat personnel
parachute harness with any defects
evacuation according to step (1) (j).
A harness which is considered
serviceable will have the inspection
recorded as described in paragraph
c, and the harness will be returned to
Inspection Report. Record and report
inspection MK-J5 ejection seat personnel parachute
harness on DA Form 2407 in accordance with DA PAM
738-751. Further inspection record will be made on the
individual parachute harness DA Form 3912 as follows:
Open DA Form 3912 to page, entitled
jump inspection and repack data, for the routine
inspection entry
Enter inspection date In date column.
Make checkmark in routine Inspection
previously in the jumped or dropped columns.
Enter signature in the inspector's
name column.
Enter designation of the unit to which
inspector is assigned in the unit column.
requires recording on DA Form 3912.
11-23. Consolidated List of ALSE References.
Table 11-11 gives a list of references to be used as a
guide only. Do not maintain manuals that do not pertain
to the units Life Support Equipment authorized and on
hand. Department of the Army Pamphlet 25-30 should
be consulted frequently for the latest changes or
revisions of the references listed in table 11-11 and for
new publications covered in this section. Instructions for
establishing and maintaining a library are found in DA
Pam 310-13.