TM 1-1500-204-23-1
General. General flightline operations used on all
aircraft are described in the following paragraphs.
Flightline Safety. To avoid injury to personnel or
damage to aircraft, the procedures and general safety
rules will be followed when servicing, operating,
mooring, maintaining, or moving aircraft on the ground.
Hearing Protection. Noise levels reached
during ground runup of Army aircraft are of a level that
may cause permanent hearing loss. Maintenance
personnel shall wear adequate hearing protection when
working on aircraft with engines in operation.
Foreign Object Damage. To prevent Foreign
Object Damage (FOD), the following precautions shall
be observed during maintenance of turbine engines.
Regularly police parking areas, runways,
taxiways, and runup and exhaust areas to
ensure against the presence of foreign objects
which could enter the engine. Special
attention shall be given to cleaning of cracks
and expansion seams in hard surfaced areas
where engines will be operated. Tests have
indicated that these are the main source of
foreign objects which are ingested.
Periodically instruct personnel concerned with
aircraft maintenance of foreign object hazards
to ensure that maximum preventive measures
are taken.
Ensure that air inlet and tailpipe dust
excluders are installed at all times when
engines are not being operated, except when
it is known the engine will again be operated
immediately following shutdown.
Prior to each engine start, thoroughly inspect
and clean inlet ducting. Remove all loose
nuts, bolts, tools, or other objects which would
subsequent failure.
After work has been accomplished, inspect to
ensure that all accessories and attaching parts
are secure and that work areas are cleared of
foreign objects prior to engine operation.
Provide properly marked receptacles in all
work areas into which trash, ferrous and
nonferrous scrap, safety wire, etc, may be
Adhere to applicable gas turbine-powered
aircraft taxiing and parking procedures as
outlined in applicable technical bulletins. This
minimizes damage due to material being
thrown by the exhaust blast into the intake of
other aircraft.
Ensure that gas turbine-powered aircraft
takeoff and landing procedures are such as to
avoid the intake of foreign objects blasted
from runways and runway shoulders by
preceding aircraft.
Use inlet duct runup screens during all ground
operations, including taxiing to and from
takeoff position.
Inlet duct runup screens are not required on
aircraft using centrifugal flow engines.
When necessary to properly evaluate engine
performance or when icing conditions exist,
inlet duct runup screens should be removed.
Runup with screens removed shall be made in
a designated, thoroughly cleaned area.
Inlet duct runup screens shall not be
installed and removed with engines
operating above idle rpm. Loose
items of clothing shall not be worn.
Objects which might be drawn into
the intake ducts shall not be carried
when installing or removing screens.
Damage to equipment may otherwise