TM 1-1500-204-23-6
3-1a, the following procedures will be employed in the storage of tubes:
(1) Do not store completely deflated tubes. A small amount of air should be left in each tube to prevent
inner surfaces from sticking together.
(2) When cardboard boxes are not available, dust tubes with Talc, MIL-T-50036, and wrap in paper,
Federal Specification UU-P-268.
(3) Mark all packages to indicate size, type of tube, date of manufacture, and stock number.
(4) Inspect all tubes having balance patches to insure that patches follow contour of inflated tube. Service
life of tubes should not be affected by loose patches.
3-4. Fuel and Oil Cells. Identification and storage of fuel and oil cells are explained in the following paragraphs. Refer
to TM 1-1500-204-23-3 for additional information.
Fuel Cell Identification. A fuel cell is a flexible bag contoured to the shape of a particular fuselage or wing
cavity. It is designed to contain fuel. Common names given to fuel cells are trade names such as Vithane,
Pliocel, and Line-a-cell. Fuel cells are made In three basic types self-sealing, bladder, and combination.
(1) Self-sealing cell. The self-sealing cell is a fuel container which seals Itself when objects penetrate its
walls. The sealing action reduces fire hazard and preserves the aircraft fuel supply. Fabric material is
used in construction of this type of cell to strengthen cell walls and to protect the nylon barrier from
(2) Bladder-type cell. This type of cell is non-self-sealing and is of light-weight construction. It is installed
inside a metallic shell, a wing cavity, or the fuselage cavity of an aircraft It is removable for repairs.
(3) Combination self-sealing and bladder cells. These cells consist of self-sealing and bladder
constructions, since they contain both bladder and self-sealing properties Most of these cells are self-
sealing only on the bottom and aft sections
Fuel Cell Storage. In addition to the general storage requirements for rubber materials in paragraph 3-la, the
following paragraphs describe the storage of fuel cells.
(1) Storing flexible bladder type or Goodyear nylon (Pliocel) fuel cells. Use the following procedures for
storing flexible bladder type or Goodyear nylon (Pliocel) fuel cells:
(a) Roll the fuel cell as smoothly as possible.
(b) Place a roll of corrugated fiberboard, PPP-F-320, covered with polyethylene sheeting, L-P- 378,
inside each fold or roll to prevent creasing.
(c) Wrap the cell in wrapping paper, UU-P- 268, MIL-P-17667, grade A barrier material, MIL-B-121, or
polyethylene sheeting, L-P-378.
(d) Pack the wrapped cell in a fiberboard box and close box by any suitable means.
(2) Storing self-sealing fuel cells. Self-sealing fuel cells cannot be folded or collapsed for
however, they will be wrapped in accordance with sub-paragraph 3-4b(1). Cells having suspension
straps will be hung in a cleated plywood box, PPP-B- 601, or other suitable wooden box in the normal
on-aircraft position with dunnage used to support this configuration. Cells not having suspension
straps must be supported Inside and out with dunnage. Dunnage may consist of wood, fiberboard,
PPP-P-291 or PPP-F-320, rubberized hard, PPP-C-1120, or foam plastics, PPP-C-850, MIL-P- 26514.
All dunnage will be wrapped with polyethylene sheeting, L-P-378, or a similar plastic to prevent
abrasion and contamination. The dunnage will be so placed as to provide support for the fuel cells in
the box in the on-aircraft configuration. All self-sealing fuel cells must be supported to prevent
collapse and creasing. When boxes cannot be obtained, the fuel cells may be stored for a short period
of time on a specially constructed rack which will adequately support the cells. Cells may also be
temporarily stored with only the interior dunnage in place; however, these cells cannot be stacked.
(3) Marking stored fuel cells. Mark the fuel cell In accordance with MIL-STD-129. If the fuel cell is
temporarily stored and not boxed, the same information will be placed on a tag and the tag securely
fastened to the cell.