TM 1-1500-204-23-9
2-6. Tool Use. The following paragraphs describe
general practices regarding the use of tools.
a. Tool Storage. Keep each tool in its proper
storage place.
b. Tool Condition. Keep tools free of rust, nicks,
burrs, and breaks.
c. Tool Application. Use each tool only for the use
for which it was designed. For example, do not use a
screwdriver as a chisel, or pliers as a wrench. The tool
and/or the aircraft component may be damaged beyond
d. Tool Location During a Job. Keep tools within
easy reach and where they cannot fall on the floor or on
machinery. Avoid placing tools above machinery or
electrical apparatus. Serious damage will result if the too!
falls into the machinery after the equipment is turned on
or running.
e. Damaged Tools. Never use damaged tools. A
faulty screwdriver may slip and damage the screw slot or
cause injury to the user. A gauge stretched out of shape
will result in inaccurate measurements.
2-7. Tool Safety. A tool may be efficient, essential time-
saving, and convenient. It can also be dangerous when
used incorrectly. ALWAYS use tools only for the purpose
for which they are designed. In addition to this
requirement, observe the following practices:
a. Inspect tools and equipment for unsafe conditions
before starting work.
b. Wear proper clothing and protective equipment.
c. Mark and remove from service all unserviceable
2-8. Shop Practices. The practices and procedures
described in this chapter pertain to the manufacturing and
repair functions of aviation activities and are applicable to
all levels of maintenance.
a. Shop Housekeeping. Housekeeping is the
yardstick by which the shops in the manufacturing section
are judged. A clean, well arranged shop is a safe shop
and reflects credit on all personnel concerned with its
operation. The following shop practices shall be
Oil pans or drip pans shall be used where
leaking oil, grease, and similar materials may cause
hazardous accumulations on equipment or floors. All spills
shall be cleaned up immediately. Approved sweeping
compound may be used to remove these materials from
the floor.
Floors shall not be cleaned with volatile or
flammable liquids. A flammable film may
remain and cause a fire hazard.
Floors shall be maintained smooth and
clean, free of all obstructions and slippery substances.
Holes and irregularities in floors shall be repaired to
maintain a level surface free from tripping hazards.
All unnecessary materials on walls shall
be removed and projections shall be kept to a minimum.
Aisles shall be clearly defined and kept
free of hazardous obstructions. Where possible, aisles
shall be suitably marked by painting.
All machines, work benches, aisles, etc.,
shall be adequately illuminated.
b. Shop Safety. Unsafe equipment and fire hazards
are the main factors to be observed while
planning safety procedures.
(1) Equipment safety. Unsafe equipment shall
be reported immediately. The following equipment safety
practices shall be observed:
Machines shall be located to provide
operators with sufficient space to handle materials and
perform job operations without interference.