NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-30
13 02
1 September 2011
Page 11
h. Inspect the completed termination according
5). The insulating sleeve must not be
to the following paragraph.
darkened so as to obscure the solder joints or hinder
inspection. If the solder joints cannot be seen due to
30. Inspection. If contacts are under heated, over-
darkening of the sleeve material, the termination is
heated, or improperly assembled, they must be
6). The coaxial cable insulation must not
Inspect for Proper Assembly.
show signs of damage or overheating outside of the
insulating sleeve.
1). Inspect the completed termination for
31. Repair and Rework
correct assembly according to the following criteria:
a. Under heated Terminations. Reheat under
2). The cable shield must extend into the
heated areas as directed in paragraph 29 and re-inspect
contact at least as far as the front edge of the rear
per paragraph 30. Avoid reheating areas that have been
inspection windows.
properly heated.
3). The center conductor must be visible
b. Over heated or Improperly Assembled
through one of the forward inspection windows.
1). Remove the contact from the cable as
directed in below.
1). Inspect the completed termination for
proper heating according to the following criteria:
2). Check the cable for damage and incorrect
stripping. If the cable is damaged, cut off the damaged
2). The solder preform in the forward
portion and re-strip cable end as described in paragraph
inspection windows must be melted and flowed so that:
3). If stripping is incorrect, re-strip as
a) None of the original preform shape
required paragraph 27.
remains. Any remaining preform shape indicates
4). Install new contact (Paragraph 28 thru
b) Solder fillet is visible between the
center conductor and the inner contact soldering
Removing Contact from Coaxial Cable.
surface, Insufficient visible solder indicates
1). Use a sharp knife or razor blade to score
the outer insulating sleeve full length on two opposite
3). The solder preform in the rear inspection
sides of the contact. Avoid cutting into cable jacket.
window must be melted and flowed so that:
2). Peel off the outer insulating sleeve.
a) None of the original preform shape
remains. Any remaining preform shape indicates
underheating. The original position of the solder
preform may be visible in the form of a contrasting
Safety glasses must be worn during the
b) Solder fillet is visible between cable
following operation. Hot solder can fly off the
braid and contact body. Insufficient visible solder
wires and cause burns to unprotected eyes.
indicates overheating.
3). Holding the contact with pliers, heat the
4). The insulating sleeve must be fully shrunk
contact until the solder melts, and quickly pulls the
onto the cable braid and jacket at the rear of the contact.
heated contact off the cable.