NAVAIR 01-1A-505-3
TO 1-1A-14-3
TM 1-1500-323-24-30
13 02
1 September 2011
Page 16
35. CONTACT INSERTION. Insert wired or
Forward inspection window
unwired contacts in accordance with following
a. Ensure wire or cable on contact is routed
through connector backshell.
Select correct insertion tool (Figure 3).
Forward Inspection Window
c. Place wire and contact assembly into
insertion tool. Ensure tool tip is over conductor barrel
and butted against contact shoulder.
d. Insert tip of contact into cavity. Start contact
insertion near connector center cavities and work
MG-1 Reflector
Axially align contact with contact cavity.
Figure 10. Contact Position in Heat Gun
f. With firm, even pressure, press tool against
contact shoulder and seat contact into cavity. A slight
may be heard as retention tines snap into
place behind contact shoulder.
33. WIRE STRIPPING. Strip wire in accordance
with following procedure:
g. Pull tool straight out of contact cavity.
Remove tool from wire. Pull back lightly on wire to
a. Cut wire to proper length. Ensure enough
ensure contact is properly seated.
wire remains for adequate strain relief without leaving
excess slack.
36. CONTACT REMOVAL. Remove wired,
unwired, and broken wire contacts in accordance with
b. Strip insulation from end (NAVAIR 0l-lA-
following procedures:
505-1, WP 009 00). Select contact (Figure 3).
37. Wired Contact Removal.
34. CONTACT CRIMPING. Crimp contact in
accordance with following procedure:
Select correct crimp tool (Figure 3).
Caution should be exercised in the use of
b. Perform die closure check, install positioner,
tooling. Inspect tips of metal tools for
and set selector knob for gage of wire.
distortion of the probe before use, as damage
to the wire sealing grommet of the connector
c. Insert stripped wire into contact conductor
can occur.
barrel. Ensure all wire strands are inside contact
conductor barrel and visible in contact inspection hole.
Select correct removal tool (Figure 3).
d. If insulation gap is too large, trim conductor
b. Place wire of contact to be removed into
as required. If insulation gap is too small, trim
removal tool.
insulation as required.
c. Slide removal tool along wire at a right angle
Crimp contact to wire.
to connector insert face and align with contact cavity.