TM l-1500-328-23
The PMS-2 inspection is a thorough and searching examination of
the aircraft and associated equipment.
During the PMS-2 inspection
access plates, panels, and screens are removed and some partial
disassembly of the aircraft will be required.
Requirements under the
Phase Method often vary between the phase elements.
PMS-2 inspections
are due after a designated number of flying hours since new or the
The PMS-2 inspections
must be accomplished when due and may be overflown only under the
Combat Phase Maintenance (CPM) or Combat Periodic (CPE)
is an abbreviated
inspection that is
used only under combat or extreme emergency conditions.
When the
Commander authorizes a
in place of a standard
inspection, only selected items that are identified in the aircraft
checklist are used; therefore, the following conditions will
inspections must be accomplished when due and must not
Items annotated by the letter
in the respective
Checklist, along with any special inspection requirements listed on DA
minimum mandatory
Under no circumstance will the
requirements be used for
consecutive inspection. After the completion of a
be performed, at the interval stipulated in the
CPM inspections will not use a sequence number.
The next PM
will follow the normal sequence number.
For example, if phase number
2 was the last phase completed, then the CPM was performed, the next
phase due will still be number 3.
2-9. Recurring Special Inspections.
Besides the requirements listed
in the preventive maintenance program, most aircraft are subject to
recurring special inspections.
These inspections or maintenance
actions occur at intervals that are not usually compatible with other
The special recurring
scheduled preventive maintenance inspections.
inspection requirements for aircraft are normally listed in Chapter 1,
of the applicable aircraft -23 maintenance manual.
Special recurring
inspection requirements for aviation associated equipment (such as,
weapons, engines, etc.) are normally listed in the associated
All special inspections are an important part of the
preventive maintenance program. Methods used to schedule the
different types of special recurring inspections are: